Update on GLUON ICO Review

Published in
5 min readMay 7, 2018

Hey everyone,

Recently I released my review about the First Verified Stratis ICO, GLUON: https://medium.com/@khilonecrypto/gluon-ico-review-887bea18f0af

Since the review, time passed and GLUON released new information. In this blog, I am giving an update on my previous review. These are the points I will be talking about:

  • The SEC
  • Rescheduled token sale
  • ICO ratings
  • Airdrop
  • Conferences
  • My meeting with Sameer and team GLUON

Disclaimer: Never take anything I say (or anyone else on the Internet says) to be investment advice. Consult with a professional, and extensively do your own research before ever investing into anything.


When you start talking about the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in Crypto a lot of people get nervous. Personally, I don’t understand why, for me, regulation would help the Crypto world to evolve, and is much needed.

Recently Sameer Misson, CEO of GLUON, made a bold decision. He voluntarily registered GLUON with the SEC. GLUON is still convinced $GLU is a utility token but regardless they registered their self with the SEC. A smart decision, because (in my opinion), in the future, all U.S. based organizations will have to register themselves with the SEC. From an investor perspective I prefer a company to take the matter into own hands as GLUON did. It tells me a lot about how legit and serious they are about GLUON and how confident they are in their cause.

The SEC registering resulted in a rescheduled token sale. You can read the full announcement from GLUON over here.

The token sale rescheduled

So what does this mean for the token sale? The private sale is open again, you can register over here. The public token sale is scheduled for Q3. There is no date set yet, you can register in advance over here.

ICO ratings

In the meanwhile there have been a few ICO ratings companies who rated GLUON:


To get the word of GLUON spread in the Crypto world and to have a better distribution of the $GLU token, GLUON decided to do an Airdrop. You can read more about it here.

Conferences in April

In order to showcase GLUON to the Crypto community, GLUON attended the following conferences in April:

  • Blockchain Delhi in India on 12 April, 2018
  • C# Corner Conference in India from 13–15 April, 2018
  • London Blockchain Expo from 17–18 April, 2018

Sameer Misson CEO of GLUON talking about Integration of Blockchain into Legacy Industry at Blockchain Delhi

GLUON’s booth at Blockchain Delhi

Team GLUON and Mahesh Chand at the C# Corner Conference

Team GLUON at the London Blockchain Expo

Team GLUON with Chris Trew CEO of Stratis at the London Blockchain Expo

Next up….? Amsterdam

After a successful conference month in April, GLUON is not done.. They will be coming to Amsterdam in June.

Interview GLUON

At the London Blockchain Expo Sameer had an interview with Crypto Coin Growth. You can take a look at this interview here.

Meeting Sameer and team GLUON

I had the privilege to meet the team of GLUON and in special Sameer. I heard a lot of good things about him already and my contacts with him so far were great and professional.

When I met him in real life and had the chance to talk a little bit more with him about Crypto, GLUON, Stratis and other things I really could see what he was all about. One of the things I expect from companies I help out is that they have the right mindset, not only for the company but also for their investors and community. For me it’s also important to know if the team is capable of doing what they promise, the team convinced me that they can deliver their promises.

Knowing that Stratis handpicked them out of a lot of other projects as their first verified ICO already meant a lot to me in terms of trust. Finding out for myself made it even better. Sameer is a real stand up guy who stands for what he says. He really wants to make a change with his company in this new world and he will be there for his community and investors for the long term.

The fact that he made the decision to register with the SEC instead of raising a big amount of money and be uncertain is an action that is remarkable and something that I look for in companies.

I wish GLUON a lot of good luck with the upcoming token sale. I will keep everyone updated through my weekly blogs about the process of GLUON. You can find the weekly blogs over here.

To read my full ICO review on GLUOn go to: https://medium.com/@khilonecrypto/gluon-ico-review-887bea18f0af


Follow me on Twitter to get all the news right away: https://twitter.com/Khil0ne

And be sure to read all my stories on Medium over here:

Other things to keep an eye at:

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Writing articles about Stratis Platform, Beaxy Exchange and Crypto in general — https://twitter.com/Khil0ne