Introducing Python Programming — Python Installation Before You Code Like an Experts

Saif Kholid
4 min readJun 28, 2022


The previous article discussed what python is and how to use python to make money remotely. In this article we will prepare the tools needed to create a python program –Lezgooo…- ,

Before we can use python on our devices, of course, we have to install it first, so prepare at least 10GB of free storage –Haha, just kidding, the python installer file is only 25MB-.

Okaaay, let’s install together >_-.

Okay, let’s first visit the official python website at –pay your internet bill first before that, lol- we will see how the website looks like below,

After that, we go to the download menu and select the operating system you are using, here I will show you how to install it on a Windows operating system with python version 3.10.5, you can choose the python version that you want, –by the way I use Linux :v-.

Okay, make sure you are finished downloading the installer file, let’s start the installation process…

First, open the installation file –double click on it-, and you will see a screen like this,

Source : The Writer’s Friend’s Laptop

Then you checklist on “Add Python 3.10 to PATH”, and select Customize Installation,

Source : The Writer’s Friend’s Laptop

Here you leave the default, and click next,

Source : The Writer’s Friend’s Laptop

Here you change the file location section to “C:\Python310”, why should it be changed? it doesn’t have to be changed, you can leave it by default and go to the installation step, but the reason for changing it is so that we can easily find the python folder which is in the C:\ directory, –so we don’t have to dive into a sea of ​​folders to find the python folder lol -, click install and wait until the installation process is complete,

Source : The Writer’s Friend’s Laptop
Source : The Writer’s Friend’s Laptop

After that open CMD –windows + R, type “cmd”-,

Then type the command “python -v” to see the version of python as well as check whether it is installed or not,

If the python version does not appear then the previous installation process failed — repeat the installation process above dude…-,

Source : The Writer’s Friend’s Laptop

Let’s try to run python in CMD,

First you type “python”, then you will enter the default python editor that runs on CMD, here you can write the syntax in python.

After entering you type the command below,

>>print("Hello World")

Then you will see the output as shown,

Source : The Writer’s Friend’s Laptop

To exit the python editor.

But don’t worry, because you are not going to write python code here because now there is a code editor that will make it easier for us to write python codes,

There are several code editors that I recommend, namely PyCharm, Visual Studio Code one for the future I will use the Visual Studio Code code editor, –here I don’t explain how to install the code editor XD, because it will be too long and you will get bored reading it lol-, so please click here PyCharm, Visual Studio Code to download it.

See you in the next article…

