8 Worst Nightmare of a Programmer

You wouldn’t understand unless you are a programmer

2 min readJan 13, 2023
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-a-woman-thinking-941555/

Programming is undoubtedly fun. But this career has some issues. There would be some nights and days when you couldn’t be any more frustrated. Your life would be miserable for a few moments. Here are a few times when you would lose it.

1. StackOverflow

Stackoverflow is a programmer’s lifesaver place. So programmer’s worst nightmare would be when they will have a problem and go on stack overflow. See only one question about that problem which has been posted years before.

And literally no reply on that question.

2. Not working for you

It’s the same as the first one, except you faced a bug, you searched for it in Stack Overflow, you found exactly the same problem asked by someone else, and you saw that there is an accepted answer with many “thank you! worked like a charm” comments below.

You got really happy that you found the solution, and you applied that solution in your code to fix it. And it didn’t work.

3. Semicolon

Semicolon almost means nothing to a person who is not a programmer. But as a programmer, miss a few semicolons in thousands of lines of code, and you will know what semicolon is and how powerful a sucker it can be.

4. Ghosting

You will think only humans can ghost you if you are not a programmer. But for programmers, sometimes our code ghosts us by working on Friday, but it wouldn’t work anymore on Monday, for no apparent reason.

5. Other people’s mess

If you just joined a new company, you would probably have to fix someone else’s code, which was buggy or incomplete. Now, if documentation is available for that code or the company has bug management tools, it makes the work easier. Otherwise, nothing can be a worse nightmare as a developer for you.

6. Fixing won’t fix

When you are fixing one bug, either your code will work or give birth to more bugs. And most of the time, the latter is more common.

7. Invisible bug

Probably this is the most frustrating part of coding. You will not know the root cause of a bug, so you wouldn’t know where to fix it. Then giving it a fresh start might help the problem, but still, it’s so annoying.

8. Lost data

Can you imagine working on a project night and day for the whole month or week and just coming to know that you lost all the data from your computer and don’t have any backup.

