Positivity Is A Choice

Khoula Masood
5 min readDec 7, 2019

Thinking positive is an active choice. It is the decision you have to make to focus on the possibility of good results or seek out the goodness in any situation or person (good or bad). It more about being logical, not emotional. It’s more about using your head than your heart. It’s about taking whatever you experience and feel and try your best to make the most of the situation (even if the situation is terrible). Positive thinking does not exactly mean to avoid or ignore the bad things , instead, it involves making the most out of the potentially bad situations, trying to see the best in other people and circumstances, and viewing yourself and your abilities in a positive light.

“Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.”― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

To do the Struggles With Negative Thoughts

We all can fall into the pattern of negative thinking. Facing challenges , having bad situations, having no one to help often triggered by everyday stress. Life becomes tough and rough when it happens and more complex when it is the brain that has been fed on negative thoughts like a tree. While thinking about myself going in the tummy of Negative Monster I thought to myself, `` Is this going to be an everyday story ? Had I chosen to live my life this way ?

Deciding and making a decision to fight this negative thought monster involved such steps that are given below:

  1. Own the Problem — Own Negativity : The first critical step is to make an actual realization that It is just in you who fears from the problems and see the glass half empty not half full. Acknowledging your own problems and understanding that only you can react to that as a warrior. Once you start claiming to be a positive thinker you can fight proactively.
  2. Benefits of Doubt: Entertaining others opinions and thoughts is an obligation in our culture. We will surely try to listen to the negative more than the positive.

__“People are doing the best they can.” It’s hard for most of us to be this generous in our thinking, but thinking generous will free you from the mental trap of thinking negatively toward others.__

When things go unanswered , When the emails go unread, when your boss says no to your request, when someone says something that comes across as mildly offensive. Choose to believe that they are not purposely trying to hurt you. May be they are thinking from another perspective that we do no claim to understand so when I set up my mind TO THINK BIG , things got a little easier for me.

Lessons from Shawn Achor’s TED Talk

Shawn is the winner of over a dozen distinguished teaching awards at Harvard University, where he delivered lectures on positive psychology in the most popular class at Harvard, and has become one of the world’s leading experts on the connection between happiness and success. His TED talk is one of the most popular of all time with over 4 million views and in the end in his context only a Positive Thinker like Shawn can smile with the bright light.

Following are the lessons that helped me to reprogram my brain and it worked out !

  1. Gratitude

Bringing gratitude to your mind is a peaceful and easiest thing to do. Why to worry for the things you don’t have ? Instead you can Thank God for the things you have. While travelling back from work to home I used to write Thanks to God that I’ve been blessed with good health , With a supportive family and also I have a roof and food in my shelter.

If you start pointing out 3 things daily , you will see the difference how you you have been ungrateful to the Nature.

2. Exercise

Following a timetable , equipping yourself with the tools of time management , stress work out and most importantly Me Time , which was my exercise time. I have been practicing simple cardio steps and small stretches steps to get in perfect shape an hour before sleeping.

Playing the songs on , or even dancing on the beats helped me relieved my pain and anger for the negative thoughts.Setting this time up for me no matter where I am or what I’m doing , I now wait for this time to happen where I need to dance or to do exercise or even a simple 30 minutes walk. As you get more oxygen , your brain cells start working properly in a positive way. I wonder How being Negative can bring so many health issues.

3. Random Act of kindness

Simple steps of kindness , simple steps of success. Being kind to others and even to yourself lightens the load on the brain. Sending a small text message saying thank you to your friend after meeting up , greeting everyone with a smile , Listening to each and every human being in the hall and making him/her being listened shows you actually how nice you are and how good you can take care. The one who isn’t kind to others can never practice how it is to be kind to oneself

