Maximizing Performance in .NET Core with Advanced Caching Techniques

4 min readMay 19, 2023


Maximizing Performance in .NET Core with Advanced Caching Techniques
Maximizing Performance in .NET Core with Advanced Caching Techniques

Caching is an essential tool for optimizing the performance, scalability, and reliability of web applications. In a .NET Core application, there are 14 caching options available that can help you achieve these benefits.

1- In-Memory Cache: This is a simple caching option that stores data in memory within the same process as the application. It is suitable for storing small amounts of data that do not need to be shared across multiple instances of the application.

2- Distributed Cache: This cache is designed to work with multiple instances of the application. It stores data in a cache provider that can be shared across multiple instances of the application. Examples of cache providers include Redis Cache, SQL Server Cache, and Azure Cache for Redis.

Response Caching in net core
Response Caching in net core

3- Response Caching: This cache is specifically designed for caching HTTP responses. It stores the response content in a cache and serves it directly to the client on subsequent requests, without having to regenerate the response from scratch.

4- Memory Cache Tag Helper: This is an ASP.NET Core tag helper that allows you to cache fragments of a webpage in memory. This can help improve the response time of your application by caching frequently accessed parts of a webpage.

5- Output Cache Tag Helper: This tag helper is similar to the Memory Cache Tag Helper, but it caches the entire output of a webpage instead of just fragments. This can helpimprove the performance of your application by reducing the number of requests that need to be processed by the server.

6- Response Compression Middleware: This middleware compresses HTTP responses before sending them to the client, which can help improve the performance of your application by reducing the amount of data that needs to be sent over the network.

7- Razor View Caching: This feature allows you to cache rendered Razor views, which can help improve the performance of your application by reducing the amount of time it takes to generate HTML output.

8- Donut Caching: This technique involves caching entire web pages, but with placeholders for dynamic content. This allows the static parts of the page to be cached and served quickly, while the dynamic parts are generated on-the-fly.

SQL Server Cache Dependency in net core application
SQL Server Cache Dependency in net core application

9- SQL Server Cache Dependency: This cache option allows you to cache data in SQL Server and automatically invalidate the cache when the underlying data changes. This is useful for scenarios where you need to cache data that changes frequently, but you want to avoid the performance overhead of querying the database on every request.

10- MemoryCachePlus: This is an extension of the In-Memory Cache that provides additional features such as expiration policies, sliding expiration, and priority-based eviction.

implement lazy cache in net core
implement lazy cache in net core

11- LazyCache: This is a simple and lightweight caching library that provides a variety of caching options, including in-memory caching, distributed caching, and response caching.

12- Redis Cache Tag Helper: This tag helper allows you to cache fragments of a webpage in a Redis Cache.This can help improve the performance of your application by storing frequently accessed parts of a webpage in a distributed cache.

implement azure cache for redis
implement azure cache for redis

13- Azure Cache for Redis: This is a fully managed, distributed caching service on Azure that allows you to store and retrieve data in a high-performance cache. This cache service can be used to improve the performance of your application by reducing the latency of cache access and providing high availability and scalability.

14- MemoryCacheInterceptor: This is a caching library that allows you to intercept method calls and cache their results in memory. This is useful for scenarios where you need to cache the output of a method that performs expensive calculations or database queries.

Amazon ElastiCache in net core
Amazon ElastiCache in net core

15- Amazon ElastiCache: One of the most popular caching services on AWS is Amazon ElastiCache, which is a fully managed, in-memory data store service that supports both Redis and Memcached.

ElastiCache can be used to store frequently accessed data, such as session state, user profiles, and product catalogs. By caching this data in ElastiCache, you can reduce the response times of your application and improve scalability and reliability.

I’ve written an article that covers each item on your list. I’ve provided detailed information about each item, including its benefits and use cases. By reading this article, readers can gain a deep understanding of each item and how it can be used in their own applications. I hope this article is helpful in providing readers with the information they need to make informed decisions about which option to use in their own projects.

Goodbye, Good Luck, and Good Code




22 years of programming experience, specializing in .NET and .NET Core. Skilled in software architecture and AWS. Passionate about sharing knowledge.