What is Google Knowledge Graph and How to Get Rid of Wrong Data on Knowledge Graph?

Khushbu Machchhar
3 min readJun 15, 2018


What is Google Knowledge Graph?

The Knowledge Graph is knowledge base used by Google and its services to enhance its search engine’s results with information gathered from a variety of sources. This information is presented to users in a box to the right or top on mobile of search results.

Example of Google Knowledge Graph:

Google Knowledge Graph Information comes from the following sources:

  • Wikipedia
  • Google+
  • Structured Data

Top reasons for the wrong information about your business:

  • Because the sources (listed above) it pulls from are inherently imperfect due to they are edited by users and may feature some incorrect data.
  • The information in these sections is compiled by automated systems, so there’s always a chance that some of the information is incorrect or no longer relevant.

The possible solutions:

1. Use of Google+

Google+ is Google’s own social media network, we can create a business account for Google+ including images in header and as profile picture. Also, utilizing Google+ also enhances your Knowledge Graph listing via an embedded link to “Recent Posts,” which pulls directly from your Google+ activity.

2. Use of structure data

Optimizing structure data information for images, add the logo in structure data information.

3. Report from Google my business page

Login to google my business account and report the pictures.

4. Give Feedback

Using feedback button, you can submit/report feedback directly to Google but there is no guarantee as to when your correction will be displayed — or even if it will be displayed at all.

5. Suggest change options

To update stats in your knowledge graph: https://support.google.com/posts/answer/7534842?visit_id=1-636638603963390215-2206802316&rd=3

a. Changes we can suggest: Featured image, Specific stats for various categories of entities

b. Get verified on Google business page

c. How to suggest change? Go through this guide by search engine land — https://searchengineland.com/google-letting-official-representative-of-knowledge-graph-boxes-to-suggest-changes-in-search-results-242121

6. Google My Business profile edits

Changing the profile, cover and logo photo’s in Google My Business

7. Google Support

Calling with Google Support, report the photo with an @google email.

8. Feedback link

At the bottom of that Knowledge Graph box, click on the Feedback link and follow the prompts.

9. Add more images to GMB

Add more and more pictures in your GMB account may potentially help.

10. Display pictures on social media

Adding display picture and cover pictures on YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn and other social media may help.

11. GMB support

Getting in touch with GMB support via one of these options and ask for help in getting rid of the photo. The support link: https://support.google.com/business/?rd=4&visit_id=0-636638633762637037-3742636133#topic=4539639

12. Other solutions

Click this link for any support from google:https://support.google.com/business/contactflow?rd=4&visit_id=1-636638603963390215-2206802316

13. Talk to the specialist

Support link: https://support.google.com/business/contact/business_c2c_m?from=cuf_c2c

14. Get the help from Twitter

Tweet using https://twitter.com/GoogleMyBiz

After applying all the changes/suggestions listed above, and still, your business data display wrong the best you can do is simply be patient. Follow all possible methods above and wait for Google to pick up changes for you.

Reference links:



This is my first story on medium.com Kindly ignore the small mistakes, if any in this article.

I hope reading this article may help you to improve your business information on Google at somewhat.

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Khushbu Machchhar

SEO and Digital Marketing Professional. Always willing to learn something new, that transforms Brands and Lives!