The Last Option

Khushali Korat
3 min readAug 31, 2021



We often strive for that last option after so many battles, struggles, and sometimes just to see if it can be in our favour or not. With the hope that our boat will pass the storm.

You know sometimes we just do trial and error and see if it works. and somehow we left with our last option that definitely works. It can be a person, a thing, a thought, or anything. At some corner of our hearts, we just know that it will surely come to our rescue. Today what I want to serve is The war of “me vs. me” and the trustworthy choice of our last option with the wish to end our struggles.

So, my thoughts never come to an end when I think about the warrior without armour, Draupadi, of our great Indian epic Mahabharata. The controversial character with the toughest choices of her life made a humiliation, insults, and misunderstanding part of her. She took off on a journey that challenged her to be strong and bold. The hall full of lustful eyes has made her have the last option to rescue herself from demons. Where her own husbands could not protect her from being disrobed in the game of dice. What would be her last thought to protect herself? How come she could think about lord Krishna to rescue her? After so many humiliations in front of wise and intelligent men in the courtroom, How did she calm herself and make her mind pray to the final of all, Mighty Krishna?

Well, here is my try to narrate the prayer of Draupadi to almighty Krishna, after failing to question about bringing her to the hall, after begging help from the wise men of kuru kingdom and from her own husbands. She wiped her tears and believed that her last hope was Lord Krishna. She knew that her words would be no more waste in his throne. She glanced at the sky and prayed:

“ O Sakha, Just like a rainbow that appears magically out of nowhere and stays for a little and has the attention of all, Please appear in this moment to make me calm and to feel my heart at ease. My soul wants to scream and cry hard in the open, be my strength to fight against these lecherous devils. Everyone in this courtroom thought about their Dharma, but none thought about me; Panchali’s shielding. Is this what Dharma stands for, Sakha? You asked me once, Am I satisfied with my decision to marry five men and I answered that I won’t forgive myself if the Pandu brothers would renounce and avoid material comforts because of me. O Vasudev, Did that happen just to make me vulnerable? My natural flight instinct to walk away quickly is kicking in, bless me a moment of insane courage. I surrender to you fighting with my internal demons. Protect me from the thought passing through each cell of my body that questions the safety of women of the country where its queen herself is being disrobed in the courtroom. Grant me the wisdom to allow my inner voice to lead me. I know, being strong is the only choice I am left with but it is hard to pass through this mental trauma of gambling a wife in the game of dice. You are my last option to rescue myself, Sakha. After this storm, praying and hoping from you makes my soul peaceful. Help me, not for me but for all of the world.”

And rest is history. Dushasana fell down to the ground but could not make Draupadi undressed. She wore her scars confidently and became the flame of revenge in the hearts of Pandavas.

However, All of us go through the darkest moments in our lives and we strive for that sparkle that comes to us as a boon, that drives us out of the trauma and becomes a mirror to look within us. Think about that last option you have opted to jump from the dark to the light. Think about that instinct you followed for witnessing your struggle transforming to the win. And be grateful for the way how far you have come, leaving it behind. Rethink!

