short summary on The Social Network movie and also what i learnt from it.

Khushboo Pandit
2 min readFeb 8, 2018


The social network movie was on Mark Zumberg, who invent the Facebook by doing his hard work.
In the movie when he got an idea and he tells about that idea to his girlfriend and she didn’t accept his idea and she did break up with him, He got very angry and he sits full night with his laptop and he works on his idea, when his work was done he upload some images of his girlfriend and it goes to several people, when they all took that images they were shocked that how the images were came to them and they all were curious to know about that.After that night Mark Zumberg had a meeting conference with his company, and they all started to ask questions with him after some time he got irritated and said that “whatever I want to create or invent I will do that”.
He and his friend Andrew Garfield made a facebook.They all were 5 partners and they have to divide the shares of a company. The Mark Zumberg took the very little amount and gave more amount of shares to his friend Andrew Garfield.After some days or months his friend just started to scold him, he felt very guilty and sad, but he didn’t tell to anyone.He did too much effort on his idea in making facebook but no one gave him that respect to him after getting shares.

I enjoyed this movie and learned many things by watching it. The full movie was on about social network and on friendship too, Where his friends were supporting him but in front of him because they didn’t want that he will grow up his position, they just wanted to let him go down but Mark Zumberg hadn’t made their intention true in this movie. When I was started to watching a movie I was thinking that it was a boring movie but after some minute I got interested in the movie. From that movie, I knew one thing that doesn’t believe anyone without any reason and one more thing that if you are doing something then does that with full of dedication without any fear. In this movie, i knew that with Mark Zuckerberg, Andrew Garfield was also helped him and he was the partner of him in inventing a Facebook.

