How to connect to your Inner Self

Khushman Shah
2 min readJul 20, 2023


Before I begin How to? Let’s learn what is Inner Self.

Meditation to Connect Inner Self

Inner Self is obtained via part of your Brain known as Pineal Gland. An Organ where Physical filtration system is there in the Brain, which divides Input & Output required from your brain from conscious and unconscious mind.

Our mind is Information hungry organ it collects information from Eyes, Ears, Nose, Skin, Tongue, etc. On the basis of frequent usability of Information, it stores information in your conscious & subconscious mind.

Any Information is requiring connection with external world is stored in Conscious mind and all other remaining information is stored in subconscious mind. Connecting to Inner Self, allows you access information stored in subconscious mind for using it while connecting to external world.

Benefits of Inner Self Connections:

  1. You will achieve higher observation power; you will be able to observe multiple things at a same time.
  2. Allows you concentrate with great precisions.
  3. Allows you to deliver faster, improves your decision-making ability, increases routine task speed, reduces error in your work.

When to connect to your Inner Self? Simply, whenever you have free time. Consider this activity as Similar to Hard Disk Defragmentation, this activity defrags your Neuron in Brain and keeps it ready to deliver it faster. You will absorb information faster and you will deliver information faster as well. This process is little time consuming, initially it will take more than hour to achieve the said state of mind, but with practice & patience you will be able to reach that state of mind instantly.

Connecting Inner self is easier than people think. Just follow this simple step and begin your journey to meditation aka Inner self.

  1. Sit in Quiet and Relaxing Space
  2. Make sure your spine is straight (Don’t force it, be natural)
  3. Close your eyes and try to listen to furthermost sound you can hear. (Far away hearing, ignore nearby sounds)
  4. Concentrate on that sound for as long as possible (it’s okay to get distracted, again redirect your mind to same sound)
  5. Now, Begin Deep Breathing — Follow this step, it's very Important.

a. Take Deep Breaths from the Bottom of your Stomach (A point Below Navel)

b. Try to hold Breath as Long as you can.

c. Exhale with Force.

7. Repeat it for Minimum 1 times of your weight in a single stretch. (If you are 80 Kg’s, do it 80 times). With the time Increase your Breathing to 3.15 times to your body weight. (This will take time; nobody can achieve it without practice)

Enjoy to True Power of Inner self.

Note: Author is Non-English and writes Articles in Gujarati Language. Error related with Word Selection, Grammer, etc. is expected, readers are requested to take note of it.

