Letter from Self to self — Fall 2015

Khuyen Bui
2 min readOct 12, 2015


This letter is written as part of my continuing work with the U-lab journey — a global movement for change-creators. It has been an incredible experience, and I highly recommend you check it out.

Dear Khuyen,

Remember the powerful vision you have when you stepped through the door of the future? You saw people. You saw me — your future Self — meeting people, shaking their hands, talking to them, learning from them. You took the next step into the further future and the scene stayed the same. People. Misty faces, but a vibrant sense of connection. You saw yourself in all of them, and all of them were in you. Such moving experience.

When I looked back at the chair where you sat a moment ago, I felt a profound sense of connection with you. You were sitting in the chair struggling, not knowing what to do next. I gave you the advice to Do it. To reach out and touch.

What does that mean? I will continue writing, because that’s how I can continue to be present in lives. I will continue to reach out to people whom I admired, whom I can learn a lot from, whom I can support. I will continue to create a space for myself and for others too. Note that I use a lot of “continue” — both you and I have been working tirelessly, and we want to keep working. Making connections is our life’s greatest work.

Keep with your daily practice of synthesizing thoughts and meditating. Remember to sense. to embody, to act. What separates you from your Wisdom, and from me, is the practice.

Your future Self,

