Which Zone Of Friendship Do You Belong To? — List of 10 Contemporary Friendships

khyati gupta
4 min readAug 3, 2018


We all have a myriad of friends which we acquire over the years. Not only in numbers, but we also have a whole lot of dynamic bonds with friends falling into different categories! That’s the great thing about being in your 20s. You’re still figuring out the whole ‘adulting’ thing, and can still be friends with people without baring your soul to each of them, or meeting them every weekend, or speaking to them all the time.

We view everything differently in the 21st century, and friendship is no exception. Each friend is special in their own way! We have our work friend, who helps us cope with the dominating boss, the cousin cum friend who makes family get-togethers tolerable, the school friend, the childhood neighbour friend and …you got the point, right?

So here are the 10 types of modern-day friends:

Casual Friends

A ‘casual friend’ is someone with whom we spend some time with. We both are friendly but not very intimate. Casual friends come and go, they are there but not for a lifetime.

Close Friends

A step above the ‘casual friend’ is the ‘close friend’ also known as ‘good friends’. They are somewhere between casual friend & best friends. A close friend is someone we would consider part of our inner circle.

Best Friends

Only the select few can claim the title of being a ‘best friend’ for it is the gold standard of friendships. They are the friends with whom we are very close; they are our confidants, and the people we can count on at all times.

Friends With Benefits

When we were kids, ‘friends with benefits’ might have meant someone with a swimming pool or big backyard. But nowadays, as we all (presumably) know, it means ‘sex buddies’: people who have a sexual relationship without being involved with other aspects typical of an intimate relationship.

Secondhand Friends

‘Friends of friends’ or ‘secondhand friends’ are an interesting category of friends. They happen to us when a friend introduces us to one of their other friends. Ironically, you may find that you have more in common with a friend of a friend than with the original friend!

Bromance Friends

The term ‘bromance’ is a blend of bro and romance. As per the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a bromance is a close nonsexual friendship between men. It portrays a complicated love and affection shared by two straight males to such a point where they start to seem like a couple!

Work Friends

We spend more awake time with colleagues than with others. Work friendships develop like most other friendships — naturally and organically. As a fact they understand our job better than anyone else could;, they have seen us at our worse moods; they celebrate our work achievements, birthdays and they even encourage us to perform better.


A frenemy, a blending of the words ‘friend’ and ‘enemy’, means either an enemy who pretends to be your friend or someone who is a real friend but also a rival, such as teammates on a sports team competing for the same starting position.

Cyber Friendships

Unlike older times our friendships are not primarily restricted to those in close proximity to us. Our super source of connectivity — ‘the internet’ enables us to continue old friendships or establish new friendships with little or no face-to-face interaction via the electronic world of.


Unsurprisingly, an ex-friend is someone you were once friends with, but are no longer. A best friend who metaphorically stabs his friend in the back by stealing his girlfriend away is an example of the lowest of the low ex-friends. By contrast, friends who simply drift apart from one another because of varied interests are likely to hold no grudges against one another.

Let your quest continue with the modern era’s many forms of friendship…



khyati gupta

Eager Beaver who weaves words. Bohemian on inner journey to bliss. Busy handling quarterlife crisis. Views world via unfiltered lens. Always traveling & eating.