Colors Fading Away

Lorenzo Makoy
3 min readJun 26, 2023

Have you ever noticed how the world is becoming less colorful? It seems like everywhere you look, you see more and more shades of gray, black and white. Whether it’s the architecture of our cities, the clothes we wear, or the movies we watch, color seems to be fading away from our lives.

Photo by Paul Fiedler on Unsplash

Why is this happening? What are the consequences of living in a colorless world? And what can we do to bring back some vibrancy and diversity to our surroundings?

One possible reason for the decline of color is the influence of modernism and minimalism in architecture and design. These styles favor simplicity, functionality and efficiency over ornamentation, emotion and variety. They often use geometric shapes, straight lines and neutral colors to create a sense of order and harmony. While there is nothing wrong with these principles, they can also create a bland and monotonous environment that lacks personality and character.

Photo by George Gymennyi on Unsplash

Another possible reason is the popularity of dystopian and post-apocalyptic genres in movies and TV shows. These genres depict a bleak and grim future where humanity is struggling to survive in a hostile and decaying world. They often use muted colors, dark tones and desaturated filters to create a mood of despair and hopelessness. While these genres can be entertaining and thought-provoking, they can also affect our perception of reality and make us feel more pessimistic and depressed.

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

The loss of color can have negative impacts on our physical and mental health. Color is not just a visual phenomenon, but also a psychological one. It can affect our mood, emotions, behavior and cognition. Studies have shown that different colors can have different effects on our brain and body. For example, red can increase our blood pressure, heart rate and appetite; blue can lower our stress levels, calm us down and improve our creativity; green can enhance our concentration, memory and learning; yellow can boost our energy, optimism and happiness; etc.

Photo by park dasol on Unsplash

Therefore, living in a colorless world can make us feel more bored, anxious, sad and tired. It can also reduce our motivation, productivity and creativity. On the other hand, living in a colorful world can make us feel more alive, joyful, inspired and healthy. It can also increase our curiosity, interest and imagination.

So what can we do to bring back some color to our lives? Here are some simple tips:

  • Paint your walls or furniture with bright or pastel colors that make you happy.
  • Wear clothes or accessories that have vibrant or contrasting colors that suit your personality.
  • Decorate your home or office with colorful artworks, plants, flowers or candles that add some warmth and beauty.
  • Watch movies or TV shows that have rich or varied colors that stimulate your senses.
  • Travel to places that have different or exotic colors that broaden your horizons.
  • Experiment with different or new colors that challenge your preferences.

Color is one of the most wonderful gifts of nature. It adds spice and flavor to our existence. It reflects our diversity and individuality. Not only that, but it expresses our emotions and thoughts. It inspires our creativity and innovation. Let’s not let it fade away from our world. Let’s celebrate it and enjoy it every day.



Lorenzo Makoy

Electronics engineer, crypto and AI fan. Working in music and entertainment.