kia joaquin
3 min readOct 31, 2017

How does the baby live in the womb of a mother

Life is a miracle that how can a baby be in the womb of a women. Jesus is very genius to give us a life.

When does life begin?

At the moment of conception a unique human being’s DNA is created human DNA that gas never existed before. At the moment of conception all the physical traits sex, hair color, eye color, have already been determine. Unborn baby’s heart starts to beat only 22 days after conception.

While in the womb, a foetus’s oxygen needs are met by the mother. Blood is pumped by the baby’s heart through the umbilical cord arteries to the placenta where oxygen is extracted from the mother’s blood as it passes by the placenta. The maternal and foetal blood systems are separate. It is only oxygen that passes from maternal blood vessels to placental blood vessels by a process called diffusion. The umbilical cord vein delivers oxygenated blood to the foetus’s heart, where it is then pumped to the rest of the body. In the womb, the foetus’s lungs are filled with fluid. They are not used for breathing, but are developing and getting ready for baby’s first breath after birth. Compared to other organs such as the heart and kidneys, which are already functional in the womb, the lungs will not start working until after birth and are slower to develop to maturity. By the 24th week of pregnancy or so, most of the basic parts of the lung have developed, but it is not until about the 35th week that the lung could be considered mature and ready to function on its own.

Thanks to ultrasound and other high-tech tools allowing a peek inside the womb, scientists have discovered a virtual sensory playground in which your baby is living. The fetus responds to your voice and other sounds in the room, reacts to light and dark shadows as you move from place to place, tumbles as you switch positions, even tastes sweet or spicy foods you’ve just eaten. Experts believe these experiences cause physiological changes in your fetus’ sensory systems that are necessary for normal brain growth. But the question is: Is better? Most researchers studying fetal development say Mother Nature and the stimuli your baby naturally receives in the womb from your everyday conversations and activities are good enough to prepare your baby for the outside world. Study of how the human brain develops still is in its infancy, but there’s no convincing scientific evidence that deliberate fetal acoustic stimulation, as it’s called, influences intelligence

And a new study shows that he not only hears his mom, but may understand her and is already learning language from hence, creativity or later development. The new research suggests that babies began to absorb language when they are inside the womb during the last 10 weeks of pregnancy — which is earlier than previously held. New-borns can actually tell the difference between their mother’s native tongue and foreign languages just hours after they are born. Imagine how can a human being inside of a womb its creepy but it’s also a miracle from god all creature deserve to be loved. I imagine me and my twin inside my mother womb so my mother womb is much bigger because two human being is there and I also imagine if my twin brother and I play in the womb of my mother or fighting. It’s all funny if you think how are you in the womb of your mother.