The Journey of Jen

Kiana Siafega-Asi
2 min readFeb 27, 2017


Jennifer Martinez is a Cerritos College student whose ultimate goal is to serve as an inspiration to those around her.

Growing up, Jennifer struggled constantly with pent up childhood issues. Once she was able to step back and see the way in which she was allowing negativity from the past to define the person she is now, Jennifer found the strength to finally put her foot down.

“Once that clicked in my mind, my journey to self-enlightenment began. Ridding myself from the toxicity that possessed me for so many years started a whole new beginning”.

That in itself is what she is most proud of, being able to cut ties from her past in order to become the radiating soul she knew she wanted to be.

Since then, Jennifer has discovered an escape through film and photography, “Filming and photographing while being immersed in nature is when I feel the most alive. My goal is to create”.

Jennifer utilizes social media to share her works of art, while at the same time, reaching out to others that struggle with inner demons of their own, “It’s nearly impossible to find a social media influencer who I can personally relate to and representation is extremely important”.

Jennifer represents those who feel unrepresented and hopes to make “even the slightest difference” in the lives of others.

Jennifer’s long-term followers had the privilege of accompanying her through her journey of self-love.

As an advocate for self-love, Jennifer defines self-love as “wholesome. [Self-love] is untouchable. [Self-love] is the purest unconditional love that could ever exist. [Self-love] is about taking care of yourself mentally and emotionally”.

She advises those on their own journey to self-love, or those looking to begin their journey, to “avoid tearing other people down in the process. How you make others feel says a lot about you. Radiate love and light! Empower others, especially other girls who have similar struggles”.

Self-love is a continuous process that never really ends. It takes dedication and patience with yourself, and Jennifer is a prime example.

“It’s taken a very long time to…profoundly love the person I am…Progress is linear, and that’s okay. Persistence is key”.

Links to Jennifer’s social media accounts:

Twitter: @jeniweenie

Instagram: @jeniweenie



Kiana Siafega-Asi

A fashion-loving Mommy at Cal State Long Beach writing her way through life.