How Hair Ties Can Cause Damage?

kiaraa agarwal
3 min readJan 3, 2024


Are you one of those people who can’t live without hair ties and rubber bands? They are essential in keeping your locks in check, particularly during exercise or windy days. From controlling unruly strands to creating stylish styles, hair ties and hair mask have been trusted companions for a long time, but behind their innocent facade may lie some hidden dangers that should not be ignored.

Hair tie damage often goes undetected, so we thought of shedding some light on this topic and enlightening women on how to take care of your hair from these ties.

Imagine this, you are getting ready for an intensive day. You put a face cream for women and place your hair into neat ponytails or using an elastic band to secure it. All is snug and secure to suit you perfectly, and no signs that your hair needs relief with each bend and turn.

Hair ties breaking is an increasingly severe concern since most are composed of elastic materials that may damage hair shafts over time, leading to potential breakage of fragile or easily damaged locks. But that’s not all — these seemingly harmless items can also place unnecessary stress on your hair and scalp, leading to hair loss, damaged follicles, or even permanent loss in extreme cases. So, your tidbit or bun could be doing more damage than you realise. Let us prove how hair ties can cause damage.

Elastic Materials

Elastic hair bands do not offer the same level of hair protection. Hair health should always be prioritised by women of all ages. Most elastic ties may provide the desired grip while simultaneously weakening hair shafts over time through constant stretching and pulling of these materials.

Hair Breakage

Imagine that each time you twist and tie up your ponytail, it acts like threads pulling on them until they fray and break, eventually leading to split ends and hair breakage. However, you can use hair masks after a long tiring day to give your hair a relaxing day.

Scalp Stress

Tight hair ties don’t just strain your hair surface — they also put undue strain on the scalp and hair follicles, which may become irritated or damaged over time from constant tension. If you already are a regular user of tan removal pack to remove tan then hair fall because of scalp stress then it can be a nightmare for you.

Hair Follicle Stress

Tight hair ties not only affect the hair shaft but can also pull on hair follicles, leading to stressed and angry strands, which may result in hair loss, leading to total hair loss.

Scalp irritation

Have you experienced tenderness or discomfort on your scalp while wearing tight bun or ponytail hair ties? That could be because tension created by close hair ties is enough to irritate and inflame your scalp, leading to discomfort and the development of dandruff.

Hair Loss and Thinning

Over time, these elements may lead to hair thinning or loss in extreme cases, eventually costing your elegant buns and sleek ponytails their health in exchange for appearances.


These are the few ways in which the hair ties can cause damage to your hair and why you should avoid them for a better future of hair. We hope you will find this information useful.

