KiboPlatform integrated SMS notification service.

KIBO Platform
2 min readMar 9, 2017


Hello, friends.

Kibo Team is pleased to announce that we are closer to the final stage of work. We plan to provide access to the first version of Kibo platform at the end of March — early April 2017. We will announce the exact date a little later.

Today a new version of the site was launched. As the launch and a lot of news regarding it are coming, we decided that it’s time to update the content a little and add the function of news notification via SMS.

What is it?

Today, email gradually ceases to be the most convenient tool of communication. Users won’t open more than 70% of messages because of the large amount of spam.

In order for you to be always up-to-date on the latest updates of your Kibo platform, we integrated the news notification service via SMS.

It is no longer necessary to constantly check email or official media resources. In case of news publication you will receive SMS notification.

What kind of notifications can you receive?

• Date and conditions of the forthcoming launch;
• Latest releases;
• Platform update;
• New promotions and tools for the development of your platform;
as well as other important news.

We hope that this feature will be useful to you and allow time to get all the news, including the date and conditions for the launch of the first version of Kibo Lotto.

You can activate the service right now by going to your personal account in the settings section.

KIBO Team.



KIBO Platform

The first decentralized gaming platform based on Ethereum smart contracts.