Online Value Communities and Its Relevance
2 min readSep 29, 2017


For the past decade, dozens of companies and startups have succeeded in the mission of connecting individuals. But now it’s time to go further and build something bigger than just social networks — Online Value Communities.

Most online communities are currently on Facebook, Slack and Telegram. Let us not forget that these platforms were not built for community building. That is why most power users (big community hosts) have issues using these platfroms.

Slack was built for team communication. The Blockchain community resorted to using it for community building but faced some of these problems:

Lack of trust System

The platform lacks rating or reputation control. Many ICOs have become victims of sniffing. Spamming and disinformation is one of the biggest problems here.

Lack of Laws

Every community should have the capacity to set its laws which can be validated via consensus by the community members.

Navigation Issues

Any user in more than 10 slack groups has a hard times switching and remembering passwords to each one of them.


People need to discovery new communities and apply to join. Slack lacks this.


The free plan is as sweet as it can be but with up to 10,000 messages, the hosts are charged minimum of $6.67 per user per month — it’s $80,0000 for 1000 community members in a year!

Telegram is a perfect platform for inter-personal communication. Any community with more than 1000 users becomes harder to manage. No threads, no channels, no private small groups, switching between public channel and public chat and no option to have it all in one place — all this makes Telegram good only for a small groups.

Mark Zuckerberg of at Facebook in July 2017,introduced a new mission for his company — community building. With a plethora of distractions (adds, notifications etc), Facebook is far from building real value communities. KickCity proposes an online decentralized, trust and value community building platform. imagine a decentralized online community, with it owns Rules and Laws supported by Smart contracts as well as Token economy, which can allow one to share not only information, but real value. Basically an online country without Visа.



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