Simplifying TypeScript Functions with Default Parameter Values

Kidu BT
3 min readMar 29, 2024


In TypeScript, leveraging default parameter values in functions not only streamlines code but also enhances its flexibility. Let’s explore how default parameter values, coupled with type inference, simplify function declarations and improve code readability.


Functions in TypeScript often require parameters, some of which may have default values. These defaults serve as fallbacks when a parameter is not provided during function invocation. TypeScript’s type inference capabilities further refine this process, reducing the need for explicit type annotations. Let’s dive into how these features work together to streamline function declarations.

Setting Default Values

To set a default value for a function parameter in TypeScript, you simply assign the default value directly in the parameter declaration. TypeScript infers the type of the parameter from the provided default value, eliminating the need to explicitly specify the type.

function printName(name: string = 'kidu'): void {

printName('jhon'); // Output: jhon
printName(); // Output: kidu (default value used)

Omitting Type Annotations:-You can further simplify the function declaration by omitting the type annotation for the parameter:

function printName(name = 'kidu'): void {

printName('jhon'); // Output: jhon
printName(); // Output: kidu (default value used)

Default Values for Object Properties

When dealing with objects as function parameters, you might want to set default values for object properties. in TypeScript, ensuring flexible function parameter handling, particularly when dealing with objects, is crucial for robust code. Let’s explore how default values for object properties streamline this process, step by step.

Step 1: Destructuring for Direct Access

Firstly, we destructure the person object parameter to gain direct access to its properties while also enabling default value assignment:

function printNameAndAge(name: string, { age }: { age: number }) {
console.log(name, age);

Step 2: Making the Object Parameter Optional

To handle cases where the object parameter might be omitted during function invocation, we make the entire object optional by assigning a default value of an empty object {}:

function printNameAndAge(name: string, { age }: { age: number } = {}) {
console.log(name, age);

Step 3: Optional Properties Within the Object

Since the object itself is optional, we extend this behavior to its properties by making age an optional property using the ? operator:

function printNameAndAge(name: string, { age }: { age?: number } = {}) {
console.log(name, age);

By following these steps, we’ve created a function printNameAndAge that gracefully handles various input scenarios. The use of default values for object properties, combined with optional object parameters and properties, enhances the function’s flexibility and robustness.

printNameAndAge('John', { age: 30 }); // Output: John 30
printNameAndAge('Jane'); // Output: Jane undefined
printNameAndAge('Doe', {}); // Output: Doe undefined
printNameAndAge('Smith'); // Output: Smith undefined

In summary, leveraging default values for object properties in TypeScript empowers you to write more versatile and resilient functions, ultimately leading to cleaner and more maintainable code.


Setting default values to function parameters in TypeScript provides a powerful way to handle different scenarios gracefully. By leveraging features like default parameter values, destructuring, and type inference, you can write cleaner and more maintainable code. This ensures that your functions are robust and adaptable to various input scenarios.

