Six things you need before opening a daycare center

3 min readJul 27, 2022


When you are starting the daycare business involves legal consideration sets. Starting a daycare also includes the licenses and legal arrangements with permits while dealing with health and safety issues. Along with that, you have to get adequate insurance. You also have to deal with the employees of your business in the process. Finally, you have to remember that the terms daycare or childcare are not equivalent, whereas it overlaps in federal and state agencies.

These are the six things you need before opening up a daycare in Calgary NW:

1. Choosing a business entity

When it comes to the operation of the daycare business as a sole proprietorship or you are in partnership, you need to consider legal form fillips to process and protect your liability like Limited Liability Corporation or company. A childcare center is not manipulative as you have to take care of the children, their safety, health, and toddlers for the hours of your business each day.

2. Licenses and permits

Childcare businesses subjected to specific licensing requirements, and operating without the licensees may lead to penalties. In most cases, the licenses handled by the state agencies such as the Department of social service or the Department of human services.

3. Health and safety

The federal laws have general requirements regarding the health and safety of your children in childcare settings related to building security with disease prevention and employee training. However, different sets of specific rules and regulations based on health and safety measures need to be understood, while you should follow the same with ease.

The standard rules and regulations that a childcare business must follow are:

• The maximum number of children per staff

• Sleeping and bedding equipment

• Where and how infants sleep

• Milk or other nourishment provided in the childcare centers

• Use of diaper and toilet

The general requirements are also based on reporting to the authorities for known problems or issues that may occur or arise.

4. Tax deduction

If you are running a childcare business out of your home, then you can deduct the expenses for your business while you need to qualify:

• Providing Daycare to the children

• Licensed by the exempt or state for state licensing requirements

Many details about the license of daycare centers are found with a deduction from the sources a childcare business must consider.

5. Insurance

Some risks are involved with the daycare centers, primarily related to health and safety issues of infants and small children. However, there are also general risks involving fire, theft, and others.

6. Employees

Most daycare centers have employees you should inform about fundamental employment law issues related to workers’ compensation and illegal discrimination. It is typically associated with handling the hiring process based on a job role defined by the legal authorities that need to be followed with ethical norms.
“Kiddies Daycare Center” provides Daycare to children in Country Hills NW in proprietorship or partnership. You can visit the website, or you can also search for Daycare Centre Near Me.




Kiddies Daycare is a family owned and operated Childcare Centre in Calgary.