Personal Data Spaces & Lockers

Kingsley Uyi Idehen
2 min readFeb 25, 2016


Here’s a nice concept presentation (by David Siegel) about an aspect of Web usage in which each and everyone of us hold the keys to our data. This isn’t about the end social-media patterns, where 3rd parties surreptitiously acquire and withhold lots of our profile data, it simply marks a balance between all parties i.e., we can all have relevant control over access to our own data.

How would this work?

Bearing in mind the fundamental fact that the Web is a global Data Space comprised of various resource types identified by HTTP URIs, here’s a breakdown of existing open standards that what’s covered in the presentation above possible:

[1] Logic — as the conceptual schema for the notion that entities exist in relation to other entities, in a variety of ways, via entity relationship types

[2] HTTP URIs — for Identification

[3] RDF Language — for describing Identity Claims and Data Access Policies using subject->predicate->object or entity->attribute->value based sentences/statements

[4] Various Notations for inscribing RDF Language sentences to documents (e.g., Plain Old Semantic HTML, CSV, JSON, JSON-LD, RDF-Turtle, RDF-Ntriples, and many others)

[5] Content Formats — for persisting RDF Language sentences in durable form to Web-accessible Documents at locations (e.g., HTML, CSV, JSON, JSON-LD, RDF-Turtle, RDF-Ntriples, and many others)

[6] TLS — for Digital Signing & Encryption of content (in transit and at rest).


[1] — We are All the Patriarchs of Our Digital Families

[2] — The Magic of Being You!



Kingsley Uyi Idehen

CEO, OpenLink Software —High-Performance Data Centric Technology Providers.