IRIS Testnet Augest Updates: Codename Fuxi

Sophie Huang
IRISnet Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2018

IRIS network (a.k.a. IRISnet) aims to establish a technology foundation to fa- cilitate construction of next-generation distributed applications. By incorpo- rating a comprehensive service infrastructure and an enhanced IBC protocol into the Tendermint & Cosmos stack, IRISnet enables service interoperability as well as token transfers across an internet of blockchains. As the centerpiece of IRISnet, IRIS Hub (a.k.a. IRIShub) will be the first regional hub connecting to the main Cosmos Hub, thus making IRISnet an inseparable part of the whole Cosmos network.

The journey so far

IRISnet development unveiled the Fuxi-1002 testnet at Jul 25.The testnet was a success and many community members joined it. After that, the dev team released a new version IRIS Hub v0.3.4 at Jul 30th. Then, they introduced the second version of testnet: Fuxi-2000. It was launched at Aug 9th.

Snapshpt from

What’s New in Fuxi?

Slashing Validators:If a validator failed to sign the latest 20000 blocks, it will be kicked out of validatorset.

Unbonding period: This feature is key to fighting against Long Range Attack in Proof-of-Stake system.

Monitoring Tools:By using IRIShub Monitor, validators can get the status of their nodes, including the OS resource, network connection and participation of consensus, etc.

IRIShub Monitor


What’s next?

New Release

IRISnet development team plans to have a new release: v0.4.0 in the near future. IRIShub will support the following new features:

  • Fee mechanism:

To secure their own validator node and maintain the avalibility of blockchain network, validators in IRISnet need a lot of equipments and works. Thus, every transactions in IRISnet should pay some fees to validators. We introduce the minium unit:iris. IRIS = 10¹⁸iris-atto

  • On-chain Governance:

On-chain governance is used for validators to modify the parameters of certain modules. For now, there are two kinds of proposals: Text and System Parameter Change.

New Iteration of Fuxi Incentivized Testnet

Fuxi-3000 is not far away! It is expected to launch next week. It is open to every community member to join. If you run a node in Fuxi-3000, you are expected to get some IRIS token if you finished some tasks.The tasks may include: execution of PoS related operation; keep a full node running, etc. The details will be revealed at GitHub. We have opened our Riot and you should join and get all the latest updates.

Stay tuned!

To learn more about IRISnet or to discuss technical aspects of our project, please feel free to connect with us in any of our official channels below:





