Jason Voorhees Biography: By Sentual Strong: January 28, 2017.

Sentual The Slayer
3 min readJan 28, 2017

Jason Voorhees was born on June 13, 1946 at Camp Crystal Lake , New Jersey. When he sat foot on this Earth he had a very strange appearance and had many disabilities as a human. His mother Pamela Voorhees forced Jason to go to the camp every summer, even when Jason didn’t want to attend the camp. The other kids who attended Camp Crystal Lake hated Jason for his appearance, mute vocals at most times, and his unusual huge size as a boy. Poor Jason was bullied on by the kids every single chance they had to harass him for his differences.

So in 1956 around late May, on a quiet morning the kids and Jason were lined up by a lake to do an activity. So the kids decided to gather around Jason and kick, punch, and mock Jason. Than they all put a shirt around his eyes so he would been folded and they pushed Jason into the lake. Sadly, Jason couldn’t swim so he tried to fight to survive in the water but he drowned from his exhaustion and lack of success from exiting the lake.

Pamela wasn’t around to save Jason at that point and she lived on with great hate and depression from Jason’s death. So the camp that year was closed for some time because of Jason’s tragic death. So a few years later some people came along in 1958 and spend time at Camp Crystal Lake when it reopened. From this point this lead to the first Friday the 13. This first film Pamela Voorhees was the killer and she made a vowed to kill anyone who comes to the camp from future references after Jason’s death. But, in a fight Pamela Voorhees got killed in the first film from a young lady who was the only who survived in the camp on that film.

From the second Friday the 13 and so on Jason was Voorhees raised up from the dead and was the killer. Jason killed anyone who came to the camp and wear a hockey mask, leather jacket, finger lose gloves, and use a machete for a weapon. Jason all together killed over 700 people combining all his films but the first Friday the 13. A big film Jason Voorhees also attended was Freddy vs Jason where Jason and Freddy had a huge fight between one another.

Jason Voorhees does no talking and he is straight action in his films. Immortality is Jason Voorhees speciality as well as super strength, extreme toughness, big size, and good fighting skills. I highly recommend that if you love horror films that you take some time out of your life and watch some Friday the 13 films or even Freddy vs. Jason and see how skill kill Jason is. Jason will for ever be remembered as one of the best horror icons of all time around the whole entire world.

