Naming Your APIs — part 1

2 min readJan 26, 2023


names follow us everywhere, so it’s important to choose great names.

image from

Why do names matter?

  • without a name, it is unreadable at best.
  • we need to put an extraordinary amount of thought and consideration into the name we choose for an API.
  • “Can’t we just change the names if they turn out to be bad choices?” — Yes, but very hard.
  • Changing public-facing names in an API is a bit like changing your phone number.

What makes a name “good”?

  • prevent user confusion e.g. ‘model_topic’, ‘messaging_topic’ insteads of ‘topic’.
  • names should be expressive, but not excessively long.
  • ‘topic’ is good enough when we touch only one area like messaging while ‘messaging_topic’ wouldn’t add much value.

good — transactions

  • /accounts/{account_id}/transactions - This resource allows the user to view a list of all transactions made on a specific account.
  • /accounts/{account_id}/transactions/{transaction_id} - This resource allows the user to view the details of a specific transaction.
  • /accounts/{account_id}/transactions/transfer - This resource allows the user to make a transfer between accounts.

confusing — trans, tran_details, money_transfer

  • /accounts/{account_id}/trans - This resource allows the user to view a list of all transactions made on a specific account.
  • /accounts/{account_id}/tran_details/{transaction_id} - This resource allows the user to view the details of a specific transaction.
  • /accounts/{account_id}/money_transfer - This resource allows the user to make a transfer between accounts.

