Dinner table antics

Kids In Mind
2 min readApr 27, 2017

Dinner time needn't be boring with these 3 games to instil fun at the dinner table with a sense of purpose.

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  1. Attitude of Gratitude.
    Ask everyone at the table to talk about one thing they are grateful for that day. It could be anything from big to small. Each take in turns talking about why you are grateful for it. This may take a few turns to get into the swing of it but once you have practised it a few times I promise you your kids will have not just one but two, three or more things they are grateful for.
    Cultivating gratitude is an important skill for a child to learn as it will help them grow up with a hopeful attitude to life and not focus on the bad things.
  2. A Problem shared.
    This time come to the table prepared with a problem that you would like to share with your family and ask them to come with ideas of how it could be solved. It could be something from around the house (the clothes washing isn’t making it into the laundry baskets) or something from outside your home (work, hobbies, friendships, or in the community). This game helps children learn about problem solving and promotes a sense of worth and self esteem as they all contribute to helping solve the problem. Share with them in a few days time how their contribution helped you solve the problem.
  3. Get to know me.
    Ask everyone at the table in turns to ask one question about themselves that everyone has to answer. This encourages a sense of self worth as children feel like they are known and loved by their family. It can be a good time to throw in some silly answers to get everyone giggling.

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About me

My name is Liz and I am a mother to two kiddies aged 5 and 1. We live in a village north of Norwich and we spend our time between school runs and work enjoying family life and all that Norwich and Norfolk has to offer. We love beaches and walks, BBQs and cafe lunches. You’ll find us at the beach on a hot day or in one of the many coffee shops in Norwich on a wet one.

