Picking out a Programming Language! (My experience)

2 min readJun 8, 2019


Hello, it’s me again… haven’t updated in a while now, have I? Anyways ignoring all the “bloat” and getting straight to the “point”… I’m going to talk about picking a language. Okay from the root I’m just going to say whatever you pick isn’t right or wrong but have pros and cons, for example, C vs Python: `C` one of the fastest languages but very hard and complexed to get into, `Python` one of earth’s most popular language, very easy to get into for programming beginners, but doesn’t stand chance with C’s performance. See while picking up a language I tend to look at it as “what can I use this for”, for example, I don’t see the use of learning Lua, Dart, Ruby, and C# (you can yell at me later but…), listen to me before you do… okay starting with Lua, I’m sure it’s an amazing language but I just don’t see why I should learn it or is it a waste of time learning it? what do I get out of it? what can it do where some languages like C, C++, Java, Python, or Javascript cannot? these are the thing I take into consideration while picking out a language. Dart doesn’t see the point of it… Ruby, I think it died… and C# honestly I just put on the list because it doesn’t have cross-platform capabilities (yet)… if it did shit I would replace it over Java any day… This mostly is a personal preference when picking out a language because each language can perform the same task but not give the same result… e.g If I wanted to build a game, yes I can build a game with python but I don’t believe it would give me the best results like C or C++ can… and yes I can write a server back-end in Java, but I can do a lot more with just javascript because of the client and back-end capabilities with Node. each language has its tick and tock but I learn languages where I can see the value of learning it if that makes sense? I don’t know what do you think?

