6 Reasons to Hire a Copyeditor if You’re Writing Articles or (e)Books Today

Kiesha Frue
4 min readSep 9, 2019


Photo by Nicole Honeywill on Unsplash

Not sure if it’s worth hiring a freelance editor?

In all honesty, an editor should be a vital part of your team. Here are six reasons why.

1. A brand new spankin’ perspective

You know your piece inside and out. And, even if you don’t mean for it to happen, you’ve become biased in how you see it. You may fall in love with an unnecessary sentence, but because of that love, you won’t cut it.

But editors don’t hold those same feelings.

They look at your content with fresh eyes. Likely, they’ll see things you haven’t, just because they’re not as close to the piece as you are.

You’ve likely spent hours starting at the words, rehashing the same sentence until it loses meaning. Your editor will see these sentences anew. They’ll tackle the syntax and structure in a new light. Catch errors you missed.

Your editor can elevate your piece with their expertise. Only then can your piece be even better.

2. Focus on what you enjoy (a.k.a not editing)

Editing takes time. It eats up hours, days, or even months depending on the type and length of your content. If you’re not into the process, editing will feel like an endless chore. You’ll spend your time wishing you were doing something — anything — else.

Your editor lives for this — they love the process. It’s what they do best. And when they can do their job, you can do yours.

3. No more frustrated sighs

After spending too much time staring glumly at your screen, do you ever wonder, “What am I doing?”

You’ve swapped out the same word eight times, and the sentence still doesn’t seem better. You’ve rewritten parts but the meaning is still unclear. You’re tired, and frustrated, and want it to all be over. You’re ready to say “whatever” and let it be. But you know it’s not quite there.

You just need the right copyeditor.

Your editor will ease the tension off your shoulders. Once you write the content, you can ship it off to the editor. Rest assured that your content is in the right hands. And when you get your work back, it’ll be fully polished and ready to go.

Photo by Angelina Litvin on Unsplash

4. They just get you

After a few projects, you and your copy editor will fall into a comfortable rhythm. They’ll get your vision, your voice, and be able to intuitively apply it all to your work. You can fully rely on them — you don’t have to worry that they’ll miss a deadline or ghost you.

The peace of mind is worth the price.

5. Your content will definitely make the perfect first impression

Do you know what instantly ruins your credibility? A typo. Or a missing word. Or even a rogue period. Any of these things can impact how your reader feels about you. One second they’re hanging off your every (written) word; the next… well, they’ve already clicked away.

This isn’t because people are nit-picky. It’s because typos and missing words can change your message. It can lose clarity. Or signal a double meaning. You can’t risk this, and that’s what your copy editor is for. They make sure no one questions your authority by ensuring your content is nicely polished.

6. Dependable help — unlike grammar programs

Those grammar tools are handy. But they’re limited.

They only check grammar and syntax without considering the context. It’s mechanical, and your piece needs more than a one-size-fit-all algorithm. You may need someone to breathe extra life into your work. Someone who can question your meaning and help you craft a better message, scene, or section.

Your editor can read, muse, and ask questions. They can learn more about what your goal is, the meaning behind your words, and what you’re trying to achieve. Working with a person — who is attuned to your specific needs — will always triumph over a program built for the masses.

Kiesha Frue is a professional copywriter, editor, and proofreader. She’s obsessed with words, clarifying messages, and french vanilla cappuccinos (that last point isn’t as important, maybe. Unless that’s your thing!).



Kiesha Frue

I adore technology and share my take on the newest advancements.