Omnitude, The e-Commerce Integration Ecosystem — Repost

Kifaru Mweusi
6 min readMay 23, 2018


There are many innovations that are coming up ever since the inception of blockchain in 2008.

Its applications have proven to be useful for the future of the internet. Its decentralized approach is favored by many as it reduces the risk of data loss.

It also has a robust architecture which is quite hard to manipulate. Once data has been logged into the blockchain system, it can not be changed by anyone. For any data to be logged there has to be a group of participants within that block to validate this information.

These are the features that make blockchain popular and spark innovators to build systems around it.

One upcoming ecosystem is known as:


Omnitude aims to help companies integrate blockchain technology into their e-commerce systems.

The popularity of blockchain is sweeping the internet as more and more people are adopting it and soon businesses will have fully switched into this system as it is secure, robust and makes the day to day of the business far much simpler.

For a company to fully switch to blockchain, it will take time and a lot of resources. Therefore, Omnitude sought to help e-commerce companies to integrate their system using Omnitude.

Omnitude has the potential to change a business through this integration. The secure platform that blockchain offers will be perfect to change any e-commerce business.

One of the perks of blockchain is its ability to create a near perfect transparent system which accounts for all transactions that the business undertakes.

This is especially important in supply chain management as accountability will help create a trust between the buyer and seller of a product. The same goes for preventing fraud in e-commerce.

The various scams that are carried out by some buyers and sellers can easily be eradicated by adoption of blockchain in an e-commerce system. Omnitude has an innovative way of presenting this. There are numerous solutions that can be offered by an integrated system some which we will discover with time.
Omnitude has two phases of implementation of its ecosystem.

Phase one.

Is the launch of the Omnitude system — that allows various systems to be integrated with blockchain technology.

Phase two.

Omnitude together with the community within the ecosystem, will join hands in coming up with special business cases that are hard to solve just by mere integration.
These activities planned by Omnitude cannot be done without a proper source of funding.

Thus Omnitude is launching the ECOM token together with the Omnitude platform. These tokens will be a valuable source of generating funds through ICO token sales. The funds will then be used to develop the whole Omnitude ecosystem.

Why would you consider funding Omnitude?

Have you ever ordered anything online? If yes, there is usually that tingling feeling that makes you doubt whether you will actually receive the product you have ordered. The seller of this product also has the same feeling especially if the agreement is cash on delivery. There are also many stories online of how people have lost money placing orders which did not arrive or sellers who constantly lose money because of their customer claims.

These scenarios are painful for both parties. If an e-commerce platform was to use Omnitude to integrate its whole network situations such as this will never occur. Omnitude will roll out its Single Identity and Single Reputation program.

For the Single identity program, members of the e-commerce platform will be given a single persona which they will use across all e-commerce platforms that are using the Omnitude ecosystem. This persona will contain all transaction details of the past as they cannot be done away with in the blockchain system. It will also be a means of verification of the seller.

The Omnitude platform will now have e-commerce platform members that can be identified across different systems. E-commerce platform owners will also remove the stress of having to store personal data. This improves on the security of their data as they will not be in a central place but decentralized using blockchain.
Once the e-commerce platforms have been cleaned, the supply chain industry will follow. The supply chain industry and e-commerce platforms go hand in hand, one cannot survive without the other, well, e-commerce depends more on the supply chain industry. There are times when you order good and the delivery team says they will be there in 5 days. 6 days later no word from them. They give you another delivery date and they still do not come.

It frustrating not knowing where your goods are or when they will arrive. Especially considering you already paid for the goods.

They eventually arrive but the delivery has given you a lot to think of. With Omnitude however, you will not experience such inconveniences. Omnitude will provide a product tracking service where you are updated real-time on the whereabouts of the product you have ordered. This tracking system takes effect right from the time the product leaves the seller until it hits your doorstep. The amount to be paid to the delivery team and the seller will be released after particular stages of delivery.

Smart Contracts — what’s the hype about?

Smart contracts will be used to track your product as it passes each Omnitude node and this will determine the payment. The whole tracking processes will be logged into Omnitude’s blockchain for record keeping.

Upon releasing the product, the seller will give claims on the product released. This will be confirmed by the shipping team and the status of the product will have to be verified by the buyer upon delivery before the last payment is released. Such an intricate e-commerce and supply chain system would change the nature of online trading completely.

— Another advantage of Omnitude is it’s:

Identity Confirmation.

Normally, identities would have to be confirmed by each e-commerce platform or business within that platform that a certain buyer is who they say they are to avoid fraud that usually arises from identity theft and reviews that come from fake people. With Omnitude Single Identity, traders within the Omnitude platform will be able to identify customers faster for a more efficient experience. They will use data collected from past transactions with other traders to verify. Businesses will be compensated for sharing this data through ECOM.
Omnitude will also have its own problem-solving community which will be geared towards providing solutions for businesses within their platform which are unique and require a detailed solution that cannot be solved by basic systems.
Now, these systems are the reasons why you should support the Omnitude ecosystem. This is the future of e-commerce and supply chain management. A transparent system such as this one is trustworthy and efficient.

From 28th March to 25th April 2018, Omnitude will be having its ECOM token sale to raise funds to build this platform.

To participate in their public ICO, you may follow this referral link


For any inquires that you may have about Omnitude you can visit their website —


This link will give you a deeper understanding of how Omnitude works.


For any assistance. You can also read their whitepaper through this link

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Kifaru Mweusi

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