Anjali Pichai — A Symbol of Grace and Strength

2 min readAug 7, 2023


Anjali Pichai with Sundar Pichai
Anjali Pichai

Leaving her mark in both the professional world and her personal life, Anjali Pichai is a notable figure in the Silicon Valley scene. Known as the wife of Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet, Anjali herself is a successful business analyst and operations manager, holding her own ground in the world of technology.

Her Education and Early Career
Anjali Pichai completed her B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur. This premier institution is where she met her future husband, Sundar Pichai. Following her graduation, Anjali began her career in the U.S. as a Business Analyst at Sun Microsystems. She later transitioned to Intuit, a software company, serving as the Business Operations Manager.

Professional Standing in Silicon Valley
Anjali Pichai has earned a reputation as a skilled professional in her field. Her decisions and management skills have garnered praise and recognition, reinforcing her standing in Silicon Valley’s competitive tech environment. This professional prowess, coupled with her support for her husband Sundar, has contributed significantly to their collective success.

The Rock of the Pichai Family
Anjali has been Sundar Pichai’s rock, helping him navigate through critical moments in his career. She is credited with convincing Sundar to remain with Google during a time when he received attractive job offers from elsewhere. This decision played a considerable role in Sundar’s ascension to the position of CEO of Google and later Alphabet Inc.

A Dedicated Mother and Wife
Despite their busy schedules, the Pichais prioritize their family. Anjali and Sundar are parents to two children, Kavya and Kiran. Anjali manages to balance her professional commitments and her role as a mother adeptly, further attesting to her multitasking abilities.

Anjali Pichai exemplifies the strength and tenacity of women who silently contribute to the success stories we commonly hear. Her passion for her career, resilience in the face of change, and commitment to her family make her an inspiring figure. Her story serves as a testament to all those women who manage to strike a balance between their professional and personal life, creating a harmonious symphony of success.

