New Phenomenon, Lazy to go to Automatic Teller Machine, better to transfer and ask for cash from friends

ever felt like a ninja when you needed cash? Not because you were planning to steal, but because you’re TOO LAZY to go to the ATM. So, you end up texting your friend, “Bro, I’ll transfer you some money, can you give me cash?” 😅

5 min read1 day ago

If you’ve ever done this, congratulations! You’re officially part of the “Walking ATM” phenomenon that’s booming among today’s youth. Let’s dive deep into this trend, from A to Z!

1. The Origins of the “Walking ATM” Phenomenon

So here’s the deal. In this fast-paced digital era, we’ve become accustomed to instant gratification. Hungry? Just order food online. Shopping? There’s e-commerce. Want to watch something? Stream it. The problem is, cash doesn’t magically appear with just a click.

That’s where the “brilliant” (or maybe desperate?) idea to use your friends as a Walking ATM comes in. The concept is simple: you transfer money to a friend’s account, and they give you cash in return. A win-win solution, right?

2. Why Are We So Lazy to Go to the ATM?

The next question is: why have we become so lazy to go to the ATM? Back in the day, ATMs were considered cutting-edge technology. So why do we now see them as a hassle?

Based on a highly unscientific survey I conducted in my WhatsApp group, here are a few reasons:

  • ATM lines are as long as food ration queues (30%)
  • Afraid of running into an ex (25%) — even though you don’t have one!
  • Too much screen time, so walking five meters feels like a marathon (45%)

But seriously, tech has made us super efficient… or super lazy. We used to go to the mall to shop, now we just open an app. We used to call to order food, now we just swipe. We used to go to the ATM to withdraw money, now we just type, “Bro, I’ll transfer it.”

3. The Social Impact of the “Walking ATM” Phenomenon

You might think, “It’s just swapping cash, what’s the big deal?” But hold on, this phenomenon actually has some notable social impacts.

First, there’s a new term in social circles: Walking ATM. This label is given to the friend who always has cash on hand and can be relied on for quick money swaps. Typically, the Walking ATM is:

  • The college student who always buys from street vendors, so they always have cash.
  • The friend who works part-time in a place that still uses a cash system.
  • The rich friend who always carries large sums of money.

Second, special chat groups have emerged solely for swapping cash. I once saw a group called “Walking ATM Club.” The members? People who always have cash and people who are too lazy to get it themselves. Modern problems require modern solutions, right?

4. The Risks Behind the Convenience

But be careful, guys. Constantly asking friends to swap cash could turn you into:

  • A professional debtor.
  • The root cause of WhatsApp group drama.
  • The reason your friends start ignoring your calls.

Not to mention privacy concerns. Every time you ask a friend to swap cash, you’re indirectly revealing your financial situation. Be cautious; you don’t want your personal info to become gossip at the local coffee shop.

5. Alternative Solutions: Stay Lazy but Don’t Inconvenience Others

Since I’m nice, I’ll share some tips for those of you who are ultimate-level lazy. Try using cashback services at convenience stores. You shop, pay with a debit card, and get cashback. You get cash, groceries, and you don’t have to bother your friends. Win-win, right?

Or, if you’re still too lazy to leave the house, just use a digital wallet. You can pay for almost anything with a QR code, even street food in your neighborhood. Just make sure the ATM isn’t just a selfie spot for you the one time you actually visit in a year.

6. A Global Phenomenon: It’s Not Just in Indonesia

Fun fact: the trend of ditching cash isn’t only happening in Indonesia. In many countries, people are already moving away from cash.

For example, in Sweden, 90% of transactions are now cashless. Even buying candy is done with a card! Can you imagine street vendors in Indonesia accepting credit card payments? That would be insane!

7. The Pros and Cons of the Cashless Era

Now that we know the cashless trend is global, let’s explore the pros and cons:


  • Convenient, no more ATM trips.
  • No need to worry about pickpockets (unless your phone gets stolen).
  • Easy to track expenses.


  • Easy to overspend because you don’t feel like you’re spending real money.
  • Over-reliance on gadgets and the internet.
  • Financial privacy becomes more vulnerable.

8. Tips for Surviving the Digital Era Without Going Broke

Worried about overspending because you’re too comfortable using digital money? Here are some tips to survive:

  • Set daily/weekly limits on your e-wallet.
  • Turn off shopping app promo notifications.
  • Keep some of your money in a bank account that’s not linked to any e-wallet.
  • Occasionally use cash to feel the money leaving your wallet.

9. The “Walking ATM” Phenomenon: A Reflection of Our Lifestyle

If you think about it, the Walking ATM phenomenon says a lot about our current lifestyle:

  • We’re increasingly dependent on technology.
  • Efficiency often outweighs common sense.
  • The line between personal and social matters is becoming blurrier.
  • We’re getting more creative… in things that don’t always matter.

10. The Future of Transactions: Quo Vadis?

The big question: where are we headed in terms of transactions?

Some predict we’ll become a fully cashless society. Others believe cash will stick around, though its use will drastically decline.

One thing’s for sure: technology will keep evolving. Maybe in 10 years, we’ll be paying with chips embedded in our hands. Or with retina scans. Who knows?

11. Conclusion: Which Team Are You On?

So, after all this talk about the Walking ATM phenomenon, I’m curious — which team are you on?

  • Team “Transfer First, Then Swap Cash”
  • Team “I Refuse to Be Lazy for the ATM”
  • Team “Digital Wallet Is My New Religion”
  • Team “Cash Is King”

Whatever team you’re on, the important thing is not to inconvenience others. And even more important: don’t go broke just because digital money feels so easy to spend.

Share your experiences with this phenomenon! You never know, it could be the basis for the next thread — or even my stand-up comedy material. Eh.

So that’s my take on the Walking ATM phenomenon, folks. Hope it’s useful and entertaining! Remember to always manage your money wisely, whether it’s cash or digital. Money can be digital, but debt still needs to be paid with real cash. Haha!

What do you think? Do you have any fun stories about this? Or maybe some tips on how to survive the digital era without overspending? Let’s discuss in the comments!




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