Flashing Nokia N900

Kiky Tokamuro
2 min readOct 13, 2019


Warning: the author is not responsible for any damage to your device while following these instructions. You do everything at your own risk.

Not so long ago I got into the hands of the famous Nokia N900, I dealt with it in every possible way. So much so that the kernel flew off, and the device got into bootloop.

Times broke, need repair. Were found the right files, and manual on firmware this phone.

In short, for flashing the N900, you need 3 things:

  1. Image FIASCO aka COMBINED — it includes rootfs, kernel, and firmware GSM module (according to wiki).
  2. Image eMMC aka VANILLA — need for clean the user partition /home (firmware of this image, we will not consider, as I just did not need it).
  3. Flasher aka flasher-3.5 — software with which we will flash Nokia N900.

Images take from here, and flesher can be find here. I flasher put from AUR, as from there also the necessary library was tightened:

yaourt flasher

Let’s start the firmware:

  1. Go to the directory with the firmware image, and run the command (the image name you may be different):
sudo flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2.003_PR_COMBINED_003_ARM.bin -f -R

There must be something in the likeness:

Suitable USB device not found, waiting
  1. Turn off the N900, hold the “u” key on the keyboard of the device, and only then connect the USB cord.
  2. If you did everything correctly, the USB icon will appear on the phone screen, and the lines with information about flashing will run on the computer in the terminal.

After these actions, the phone should reboot, and start working with the new firmware.

But not here that was, at me after performance of these actions, in the terminal knocked out an error (not all can face it, at some everything is perfectly flashing):

Error claiming USB interface: Device or resource busy

It is solved by removing the kernel module:

sudo modprobe -r cdc_phonet

And re-executing the above commands.

You may also encounter other errors, their solution can be found here.



Kiky Tokamuro

A lover of programming, hacking, and learning various interesting things. https://github.com/KikyTokamuro