👁️ Finding authenticity & empathy in a corporate world

Kiley Rundle
Published in
4 min readJun 18, 2023

“You can’t control how others act, you can only control how you react.” This was a mantra I reminded myself of many times throughout the pandemic, and I have found it come to mind many times since.

It can be pretty tough to stay genuine, empathetic, and kind in the fast-paced corporate world. The constant pressure to navigate office politics, ladder climbers, and constantly changing product visions can sometimes make it difficult to prioritize the values that truly matter. But, there are ways to thrive in this environment while staying true to yourself and building positive relationships. Just try to keep it real, show empathy, and practice kindness whenever you can!

Define your values and stay true to yourself

In a world that’s always changing and shifting, it’s important to know what you stand for. Take some time to think about what truly matters to you and how you want to show up at work. Figure out your principles and stick to them, even when things get tough. Being true to yourself starts with understanding your values and living by them.

Values are like a compass that guides our beliefs, actions, and choices. Here are some of my personal values and ideas on how to define your own:

  1. Empathy is all about being kind and understanding towards other points of view. To figure out where you stand in this area, take a moment to reflect on how you typically show empathy towards others. Do you listen carefully and show genuine concern? Do you take the time to consider different perspectives and approach situations with empathy? And most importantly, how do you support and encourage those around you?
  2. Innovation is all about embracing creativity, curiosity, and a growth mindset to find new solutions. It's important to define exploring your passion for innovation. Ask yourself how you foster creativity in your work, how you approach challenges with a curiosity-driven mindset, and how you encourage experimentation and continuous improvement.
  3. Collaboration involves valuing teamwork, communication, and the collective contribution of all team members to achieve shared goals. To know how well you work with others, think about how you build and keep strong relationships. Can you listen and talk effectively? Do you make a space where everyone can share their ideas and together solve problems? Remember these things to be great at collaboration.
  4. Respect is about treating others with dignity, equality, and appreciation for their unique qualities and contributions. To figure out your own worth, take a moment to think about how you show respect towards others. Do you value diversity and inclusivity? How do you ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and valued? And, how do you create a positive and inclusive work environment?

To define your values, take time for self-reflection. Identify the principles that resonate most strongly with you and align with your sense of purpose. Consider the behaviors, attitudes, and qualities you admire in others and aspire to embody yourself. Your values should reflect who you are at your core and guide your actions consistently. Regularly revisit and reinforce these values, allowing them to serve as a compass in navigating professional and personal decisions.

Stick up for what you believe

Stick up for what you believe in, even if it’s not the popular opinion.

“If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.”

- Malcolm X

Your colleagues will respect you for having the courage to speak up and share your perspective. Lead by example and demonstrate the values and behaviors you want to see in others.

This will inspire your colleagues to follow your lead and create a positive work environment.

Cultivate empathy and active listening

Empathy is a powerful tool that fosters understanding and builds stronger connections with colleagues. Take the time to actively listen to others, seeking to understand their perspectives and challenges. Show genuine interest in their experiences and demonstrate empathy by acknowledging their feelings. By cultivating empathy, you can foster a more supportive and collaborative work environment.

Active listening involves the following key elements:

  • Paying attention
  • Showing interest
  • Withholding judgment
  • Clarifying and summarizing
  • Reflecting and empathizing
  • Responding appropriately

Practice kindness

Kindness has the power to transform the corporate world. Small acts of kindness, such as offering assistance, expressing gratitude, or providing constructive feedback, can make a significant impact on your relationships with colleagues. Actively look for opportunities to uplift and support others, creating a positive and inclusive work culture.

Focus on collaboration, not competition

In a competitive corporate world, it can be tempting to adopt a mindset of constantly climbing the ladder. However, fostering collaboration over competition can lead to more fulfilling and successful outcomes. Seek opportunities to collaborate with colleagues, share knowledge, and celebrate each other’s successes. By embracing a collective mindset, you can build stronger teams and foster a supportive work environment.

Adaptability and resilience

The corporate world is characterized by ever-pivoting product visions and constant change. Cultivate adaptability and resilience as essential skills to navigate these challenges. Embrace flexibility, embrace new ideas, and approach change with an open mind. By demonstrating adaptability, you can contribute to a positive work environment and inspire others to embrace change with a growth mindset.

Staying genuine, empathetic, and kind in a corporate world filled with work politics and shifting visions is not always easy, but it is possible. By remaining true to your core values, demonstrating empathy, and promoting a more compassionate corporate culture, you can make a positive difference.

Interested in Learning More?

Connect with me on Linkedin, or learn more about me at www.kileyrundle.com.

If you are looking for design mentorship, I’d be happy to connect on ADPList.



Kiley Rundle

Inclusive design champion, process aficionado, and dedicated culture enthusiast, shaping impactful products with a human touch.