Becoming Nobody, Nowhere, in No Time: Entering the Quantum Field

The spiritual foundations of changing from within

Kilian Markert
7 min readDec 7, 2018

On Changing Your Personality And Moving Into A New Future

Part 4: Becoming Pure Consciousness


In part 1, part 2 and part 3 of this series “On Changing Your Personality And Moving Into A New Future”, we covered how our environment influences our thoughts and emotions, why it is so hard to change and what is really necessary to do so.

We looked at the science of our brain and how it affects our personality and our personal reality.

But there is more to it. There are ideas and concepts that cannot yet be explained by science alone. These spiritual concepts, which show that we are more than pure matter, are what this part is about.

Many of these concepts are theories and cannot (yet) be explained by science, so suspense judgment and keep an open mind.

Sometimes it doesn’t matter if things can be proven or not, but whether they are helpful.

Entering The Unknown

In the last part, we talked about how the hormones of stress reduce our willingness to take risks and step into the unknown.

This, however, is what is necessary to grow and move into a new future.

Change, in whatever form, has to come in ways that we least expect, otherwise, by definition, it wouldn’t be new.

These steps into the unknown will start to feel uncomfortable first because you don’t make the same choices as before.

You might surround yourself with new people, quit your job, travel or move to a new country, change your partner, stop watching TV, giving up complaining and smoking…

Your body, however, wants the familiar emotions from your old self, which he is used or even addicted, too.

That‘s ’why it is sending you uncomfortable feelings, self-doubt and thoughts of procrastination and worry.

“I’ll start tomorrow.” , “You can’t change.” “You are just like that.” “That’s all woo-woo nonsense.” “Just one cigarette, just one episode.”

Embodying the Divine

To overcome these addictions, you have to be stronger than your body.

The first spiritual concept is that in order to change:

You have to embody the divine.

What does that mean?

It is a what is called a deep inner knowingness about what kind of person you really are, independent of your emotional addictions.

When you reach that new state of being then nothing can bring you off that, because you have memorized an internal neurochemical order.

An example would be a wealthy person who at some point loses everything she owned. But she is calm because in her “state of being” she is still rich, so she “has the knowingness” that she will have it all back soon.

Once you are greater than your emotional addictions, once you master them, you go from pure knowledge to knowing to knowingness.

You go from thinking to doing to simply being.

No matter what happens you are grounded from within because you are secure in your state of being.

Living by the Quantum Law

This is a prime example of how your environment is an extension of your mind.

The main premise is that if you change your mind, your internal state of being, there should be evidence in your life, in your outer world and environment.

So changing from within produces changes in the external and serves as a map to a new future.

You don’t wait for changes occurring on the outside and thus making you change the way you feel, but you change on the inside, change how you feel and thus affect your environment.

This is living by the quantum law.

The quantum law? Is this an article about quantum physics?

Not exactly, but it might be helpful to have a little look at it to understand this concept.

The particles which make up light, are called photons.

These photons and any other quantic entity may be described as a particle as well as a wave.

Einstein wrote:

It seems as though we must use sometimes the one theory and sometimes the other, while at times we may use either. We are faced with a new kind of difficulty. We have two contradictory pictures of reality; separately neither of them fully explains the phenomena of light, but together they do.

Since the atoms in our body are made up of quantic entities, we also exist partly as particles but also as waves.

These waves are represented as vibration or energy.

Another interesting insight comes from the “observer effect.”

The observer effect is the theory that the fact of simply observing a situation or phenomenon necessarily changes that phenomenon.


Because it is not possible to see any object without light hitting the object, and causing it to reflect that light.

Well, light hitting a picture on the wall and entering your eyes from there won’t change the picture much.

But on a smaller level, on the quantum level, these photons, hitting other quantic entities, can produce a change in these other objects.

As these other objects exist in waves, which have many different states, the sheer fact of observing them collapses these states into one state.

Hereby it obviously does not matter whether the observer is a conscious mind or a measurement device.

What does this have to do with changing your personality?

The basic idea behind this spiritual concept is that these wave states represent potential.

This potential comprises indefinite possibilities which all exist at the same time in the quantum field.

By observing these potentials you can manifest one of them out of the indefinite number of possibilities.

Transferred to us:

Once we behave more like “wave instead of particle”, which means to behave more like energy instead of matter, we have the potential to manifest desired changes in our future from all the potential future possibilities that are out there.

I admit, this sounds very simplistic and even like pseudo-science. But it might be that this concept simply cannot be fully described yet in scientific terms.

Therefore I recommend to see for yourself and come up with your own opinion.

So how do we manifest our desired potential?

We have to go where this indefinite number of potentials exists.

We have to enter the quantum field.

The Quantum Field

The quantum field is a vast void of darkness, which exists beyond space and time.

It is a field beyond matter, there are no objects, there is simply nothing but information and infinite possibility.

In this field, there is no place, no time, nobody.

This is exactly where we went to be because if we want to create something out of nowhere, we have to get to nowhere.

Change is only possible when we are egoless when you are not self-centered. When we get beyond our body, beyond our identity, beyond our thoughts.

Getting beyond ourselves, this is where we are at our best.

We have to become pure consciousness because only awareness can enter that field.

We have to go from matter to energy, from particle to wave.

How to do that?

By becoming so present and diving into the present moment that we are losing track of time and space.

The present moment is the portal to the Quantum Field.

This is where we become nobody, nothing, nowhere, in no time.

This is pure consciousness.

To summarize, the process looks likes this:

  1. Being someone in our world of time and space.
  2. Entering the quantum field and becoming nobody, nothing, nowhere, in no time.
  3. Being aware of all the potentials and becoming everyone, everywhere at everytime.
  4. Choosing to be your true self.

What’s all the fuss about?

You might ask yourself,

“What is the purpose of all this hassle? Why would I forget myself and enter some field of unlimited possibilities?”

The main idea is that if you want anything different to what you have now, be it healing yourself or any kind of change in your life situation, you have to forget about what you have right now.

You have to forget about your current reality.


Because we have a connection to everything around us on an energetic level.

We have emotions connected to the things we want to change. These connections can be so strong that we can call it an addiction.

Usually behind every substance addiction is an emotional one. So if you can overcome these emotional addictions, you liberate energy from your body and the negativity it was connected to.

This emotional addiction exists in your old personality, in your old state of being.

To enter a new one, you have to let your old self behind, by entering the Quantum Field, becoming nobody and then choosing to be who you want to be.

Vibrations and Frequency

One of the most fundamental concepts is that we exist as energy, which takes form as the vibration of our particles.

This vibrational frequency can take on different levels, depending on the kinds of emotions we produce.

Higher emotions are called like that because they are associated with a higher vibrational frequency.

Thus they are less matter and more energy.

Survival emotions like guilt, fear or anger, however, reduce the vibrational frequency of our body.

The idea here is that they draw energy from the field to turn it into chemistry in your body.

So survival emotions are more matter and less energy.

That’s why, as described in the first part, we will use an elevated emotion to raise our vibration and energy and thus be able to change our state of being.

You might have heard when spiritual people talk about feeling the vibration of another person. That is the exact same thing.

What to make of this?

These concepts provide alternative ways of explaining the process of inner transformation.

Whether you agree with them or not, they serve as a toolbox to view your journey of personal change from a different perspective.

This toolbox is what it’s all about.

Because sometimes it does not matter whether things are objectively “true” or not, but whether they are helpful.

This wraps up the fourth part of the series “On Changing Your Personality And Moving Into A New Future”.

Head over to the fifth and final part, where we look at the actual meditation process required to move into the future as someone else.

See you there,


PS: What do you think about these spiritual concepts?

Have you made any experiences with them?

Let me know in the comments, would love to hear your opinion!



Kilian Markert

I help entrepreneurs become more disciplined and consistent by building better habits and mindsets at