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A Dramatic Science Fiction Short Story

Blue Glowing Woman: Chapter 1

Chapter 1 — Arrival of Blue Glowing Sphere

4 min readFeb 19, 2024


I just came from school. I took off my shoes. Even though I knew my mother would be angry, I threw my bag on the floor in the middle of the hallway with great tiredness. Before I went to my room, I looked at the calendar hanging in the hallway. There was a day marked on the calendar: August 7, 2006. I was about to turn 18.

As you can imagine, I had no interest in celebrating birthdays at that time too, especially since I saw it as a burden. That’s why I wouldn’t tell many of my friends about my birthday. Again, I spent that day, like other days, at home reading a book.

My mom came home from work. As soon as she entered, she hung my bag on my door and went inside, not shouting but grumbling loudly enough to make sure I could hear her. When it is evening, we heated up yesterday’s leftovers and ate together.

Then, although she thought it was a surprise, she brought the cake that I saw her making yesterday to the table a while after the meal was over. I pretended to be surprised so as not to disrespect her efforts. She brought candles from inside and lit them.

“Make a wish and blow it,” she said. I accidentally blew without making any wish. “Did you get it?” my mother said. I nodded my head up and down in approval. We had a conversation, mostly full of advice, which I can’t remember exactly now. As the clock ticked, my mother started washing the dishes. So, I went to my room.

After a while, my eyes started to close due to the effect of having eaten too much. Just as I was about to fall asleep, a blue light filled the room. I had to open my eyes involuntarily, but I couldn’t believe what I saw.

A blue glowing orb of light passed through the window and entered my room. It glowed a phosphorescent blue color. It was really hard to look at it with my eyes that were used to the darkness of the room. I squinted but kept looking, unable to tear my eyes away. Before I realized what was happening, the blue orb of light suddenly transformed into a woman’s body.

She was standing in the center of the room. I tried to scream. I opened my mouth, but I couldn’t make a sound. I sat up in bed, staring at the blue glowing woman. Slowly but surely, she approached me. First, she said my name and then she wished me happy birthday. Without saying a word, I was trying to understand what was happening.

“Please calm down,” she whispered softly. “It’s time to tell you everything. You are eighteen now. If you only knew how long I have been waiting for this time!” she continued.

I was still staring at her face, speechless.

“I don’t know how to tell you this,” she said. “Even though I’ve been preparing for this moment for years, it’s really hard to talk about it,” she said and sighed deeply. She said, “Okay. I’m telling you. I’m your real mom!” and she stopped.

There was an incredible silence. I think she was waiting for an answer from me, but what could I say? In the middle of the night a blue glowing woman stood in front of my bed and said I am your real mother. We spent some more time in silence, but in a moment of anger and courage I began to speak.

“Were you the one who took the pictures when I was a kid?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said.

“Why did you come now?”

“You are old enough to understand things now. Besides, I promised that I wouldn’t be able to explain this situation to you until you turned 18,” she replied.

“I don’t understand anything,” I said, shouting angrily.

To calm me down, she brought both hands in front of her and held them up as if to tell me to stop. I was breathing faster and faster, getting angry at the absurdity of situation.

“What do you mean you’re my real mother?” I said. “Who are you and what are you?” I continued to ask angrily. The blue woman in front of me was puzzled. Obviously, this was not the conversation she had been having in her head for years. She was stunned by my anger. She slowly took a step or two away from my bed.

“Please calm down,” she said. “I will tell you everything in more detail. Please calm down!” She was slowly moving away from me. “I promise, next time you will understand everything better, now go back to sleep. Happy birthday again,” she said and suddenly turned into a glowing blue orb of light. It floated slowly through the air towards the window and disappeared, passing through it as if nothing was there.

I didn’t understand anything about what was happening. Even though I had experienced something similar when I was a child, I was shaken by the words of a blue glowing woman who suddenly appeared before me one night.

I asked myself if I was dreaming or if I was losing my mind. I couldn’t sleep until the morning. I started getting ready for school. I was torn between whether or not to tell my mother about it. I still didn’t believe it was real. She would definitely worry and overreact and want to find a psychologist right away. I left the house to go to school.

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Blue Glowing Woman: A Dramatic Science Fiction Short Story

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Ohh! Ohh! I'm an alien. I'm a little alien. I'm an Engineer in this world!