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A Dramatic Science Fiction Short Story

Blue Glowing Woman: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 — Where did I come from?

6 min readFeb 20, 2024


Next evening, after dinner again, I went to my room and started reading a book. I was actually holding the book in my hands and going over the words with my eyes, but I couldn’t read a single word. The only thing on my mind was whether the blue glowing woman would come again tonight. After a few hours passed, a blue reflection of light fell on the window sill around 10 o’clock.

It was her! The blue glowing orb slowly moved into the center of my room, through the wall as if it was not there at all, and in a flash of light it took the form of a woman. It was not the first time I had seen this, but it was still very frightening. I thought to myself that last night was real. Of course, tonight, like yesterday, could have been a hallucination or something else. The blue glowing woman came to me, smiling and calmly, and sat on my bed. She was looking at me.

“Are you real?” I suddenly asked in a panic.

She just smiled.

“Am I losing my mind?” I asked a ridiculous question again.

“No. I am completely real,” she replied in a gentle voice.

For a moment I was afraid that she would hear my heart beating. There before me was something flesh and blood, something glowing blue, answering the questions I asked. A woman!

“Are you going to hurt me?” I asked timidly.

“Would I ever hurt my own child?” she said with a grimace.

She had implied the same thing again. How could a blue glowing creature be my mother? If she was my mother, who was the person I had grown up with since childhood?

“Are you really my mother?” I said.

“Yes,” she replied.

“Well, who is my father then?” I continued.

“It’s complicated,” she said and sighed.

I said, “Complicated how?”

Since childhood I knew almost nothing about my father. My mother, who I have always known as my mother, spoke very little about my father. She once told me that he couldn’t handle being a father after I was born and that he left us a month after the birth and we never saw him again after that day.

The blue glowing woman turned her face towards the ceiling and said, “It’s really complicated. I don’t know how to explain?

“Just tell me!” I replied quickly, raising my voice. I could no longer tolerate anything that was ambiguous and I got angry immediately.

The blue glowing woman looked at me with concern, took a deep breath and began to speak: “Exactly 18 years ago, we came to planet Earth on a regular exploration mission. My planet — ”

At this point, I intervened with excitement. “So, you’re not from this world?” I asked.

“No, I am not from this world,” she replied.

She said the name of her planet, but believe me, it was unlike any language we had ever heard before. That’s why I can’t even remember how to pronounce it right now, let alone how to write it.

The blue glowing woman continued: “On my planet, I was a member of a research team that was becoming famous for its work. We used to go to different planets and study the soil structure, flora and some simple living creatures and write publications with the results we found.

“Even though we weren’t very interested in planet Earth, from time to time, when we didn’t have much to write about, we would come and take some sea creatures and plants and study them. Last time we came, our goal was to find something that could be used as biofuel.”

“Anyway,” she continued, having read in my eyes my reaction to the topic moving away from my father.

“While we were waiting for the results of some of the samples I had collected, the team leader and I started to eat. The team leader was very ambitious. He had nothing on his mind but to become the most recognized interplanetary research group. So even during our small lunch break, he would talk business and constantly ask my opinion about his next experiments.

“This time I saw him hesitant. It was as if he wanted to say something but the words wouldn’t come out. Towards the end of our silent dinner, he suddenly told me his idea. I was shocked and stunned,” she said and paused.

“What did he say? What happened?” I asked. She rolled her eyes at the floor. She seemed ashamed to continue speaking. “Come on, please continue telling,” I said. How was the conversation going to come to the point about me and my dad? The blue glowing woman looked at me silently for a while and started speaking:

“‘Do you think we can grow a human baby in the womb of our species?’ That was his question,” she said, and her eyes filled with tears.

“I didn’t know if it was possible. The team leader was looking at me with excited eyes. I said, ‘I don’t know, maybe,’ without any sense of excitement. Because I was the only woman on the team, I knew that if we were approved to start this experiment, it would be done on me.

“For several weeks, all we talked about as a team was the possibility of whether the human race could grow in the womb of our race. No other species had ever tried to grow another species in its womb. Of course, there were some superstitions we had heard since childhood, but there was not a single scientifically proven case. Finally, I succumbed to the pressure of the whole team and I approved the experiment,” she said and suddenly stood up.

She turned around and started walking quickly and said, “We’ll talk more tomorrow.”

“Stop!” I shouted, “You’re not going anywhere until you tell me who my father is!”

She thought for a while and slowly sat down in the same place she had just gotten up. “Okay,” she said. “You have a right to know after all these years,” she continued.

“We started the search for a suitable male donor. We knew that a paper had been published years ago that predicted life expectancy and health status of the human race based on hair color, skin color, height, dental health and many other characteristics.

“Based on the criteria in this article, we finally selected a suitable person. One night I entered his room in the form of a light and while he was asleep I touched his neck with a plant, a single touch of which could put the human race to sleep for hours. After making sure that he would not wake up, I attached to him a machine we had made in a short time, which we called a human male milking machine. After a while the machine was full of human male sperm. I went back to the ship with the sample,” she said and fell silent.

I really made a sour face listening to the last parts. “What do you mean this guy is my father?” I asked. I was incredibly angry. “Am I the result of a sperm sample from a man whose name I don’t even know?” I shouted. I didn’t need to listen to the rest of the story. Everything was clear. The experiment was a success and here I was, breathing.

I felt awful. Even the fact that my father abandoned me when I was a child was much better than the fact that I came into this world as a result of a man I didn’t know being milked like a cow. Blood splashed into my brain.

“Okay. I don’t want to hear any more. It’s very late. I’m going to go to sleep,” I said. The blue glowing woman was very upset. She didn’t know what to do.

She said, “Okay, then you go to sleep,” she said timidly. She got out of bed. “Good night,” she said and walked out of my room as a ball of light.

I threw the pillow and the duvet against the wall in a fit of rage. I wanted to break things, to smash things. I had just found out that I was a bastard, a bastard like no other in the whole universe. I cried for hours, finally fell asleep, and in the morning I went to school without saying a word to my mother, or should I say the person I thought was my mother, without having breakfast.

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Blue Glowing Woman: A Dramatic Science Fiction Short Story

6 stories




Ohh! Ohh! I'm an alien. I'm a little alien. I'm an Engineer in this world!