World Adventure: Growing Popularity Destination — Cinque Terre

Kim Nguyen
3 min readOct 30, 2017


To start off my first blog post, I want to talk about one of the best world adventures I’ve gone on. Europe. But I want to talk specifically about one spot in Europe, Cinque Terre — located in Italy. I’m sure that many of you have heard of Rome, Florence, Venice, or Milan — Italy, but one location that hasn’t been heard of very much is La Spezia’s Cinque Terre. This is otherwise known as the five lands which is composed of: Monterosso Al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola, and Riomaggiore. So where exactly is Cinque Terre? Cinque Terre is located in the north west region of Italy as seen on the map below.

Getting Around Cinque Terre

You may be wondering why is this so special compared to all the other places in Italy? Well, if you’re a huge fan of hiking and beautiful scenery then I highly encourage you visit Cinque Terre if you’re ever in Italy. These five towns are all connected to one another as one trail and along these trails you’ll find yourself seeing the coast, vineyards, and lots of steps! I do have to remind you that hiking it one way will take you at least 6 hours! What my friends and I did was hiked through a few towns and then took the Trentalia 5 Terre Express which allowed us to train from the city we were in (Corniglia) to the end and back. Taking the train allows you to see an amazing view that you wouldn’t be able to if you were hiking! I’d suggest using this option if you’re not trying to spend too much time hiking. The Trentalia has a flat rate of 15 euros per day allowing you to train from any of the towns at any time.

Favorite Daytime City Views

This world adventure is something that I highly suggest everyone embark on. Cinque Terre by far wowed me that no views did during my trip in Europe. Out of all of the towns that we had travelled to, the most memorable would have to be Manarola during the day. As the town resided above a hill and was connected by a series of steps and slopes, it had the most breathtaking views. The photo to the left is of the beautiful city when we had hiked up a hill to see it from the side. On the day we went, the weather was nice and hot allowing many people to go out too to enjoy the weather.

Favorite Evening Sunset Views

In Riomaggiore, there are a lots of rocks that lead to the water and this is where you can spend your time seeing the most beautiful sunset. The view from the rocks allows you to see the sunset in the distance as well as an amazing view of Riomaggiore. During this time you’ll see a lot of tourists and citizens of this town gather onto the rocks and enjoy the sunset together. The farther you go out the less your view will be obstructed. I highly encourage that if you’re in La Spezia, you venture out to the first stop via train to swim in the water and watch the beautiful sunset.

This is probably one of favorite overseas adventure and I highly encourage all travellers who have this opportunity to really go and experience this amazing place! On my next blog post I will talk about some fun local adventures that everyone from the city of Ottawa can go on.

Kim Nguyen

