Are we there yet?

2 min readJun 13, 2024


a question that arises in many different scenarios.

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“Are we there yet?” is the question we ask our parents whenever we wake up during a trip.

“Are we there yet?” is a question that can arise in many different scenarios, but one thing remains constant: there is a destination, an endpoint.

When we finally reach our destination, we’re greeted with ‘We’re here!’ or ‘We made it!’ and the rest is to be told. But what happens when the ride feels unbearably long and the excitement of reaching our destination wears thin?

I often ask myself the ultimate goal I have for my life. No matter how deeply I delve into the question, nothing comes to mind. Numerous goals and dreams are present, but not one can come close to something I can call as a clear endpoint. Perhaps becoming a surgeon is my ultimate aspiration, but what comes next? There is no certainty. I don’t know where I went wrong, but this question persists in my mind: ‘Are we there yet?’ I ask myself.

Why does it seem that when you have a destination in mind, the path you take only grows rougher and more difficult? I realize I may be stuck amidst these challenges, perhaps not moving forward at all, or maybe simply waiting for the red light to turn green once more. Maybe the red light signals a need for me to rest, maybe it is a reminder that everything takes time.

  • But can’t I have some assurance that I am moving forward? That progress is being made? That I am nearing my destination?

Another question comes to mind: ‘Will I ever reach my destination?’ When the road feels too bumpy and seemingly endless, I begin to focus more on the journey itself than the anticipated destination, losing the excitement of arrival. Or maybe I’m just too impatient, or lacking in sufficient passion. Or maybe life has grown overly complex nowadays. It used to be simpler, like attending school, completing assignments, hanging out with friends, and contemplating the future. Now, surrounded by this environment, life seems to have too many bumps to be considered an enjoyable journey. Life shouldn’t be this rough, but it shouldn’t be completely smooth either — though I wish it were. I’m still learning, and it’s challenging to accept that these bumps may lead to a better destination, without any guarantee that I’ll arrive.

  • Yet here I am, hoping that I am nearing success. Because what truly captivates me in life is knowing whether I’m nearing my goal, or if I’m moving forward at all.

Are we there yet?




to love and to be loved, eternally.