Kimberly Quezada
4 min readNov 15, 2022


In a “normal” tarot deck or some sort of oracle card, the artist likes to use the lion as a symbol of courage or bravery…honor. But what if we looked deeper into what courage can mean. Is it about faith? Is it about trust? Is it about always understanding? Or is it about not knowing what any of that is…because the definition is always changing…and even though we don’t know, we take a chance or make a change or decide that mystery is maybe the open door that we need to awaken the courage that we always carry, have, live whether we are aware of it or not. I really feel it’s time to look past…through…deeper…the symbolism of the lion because the lion is just one thing and courage is so much and yet…nothing at all. It’s nothing that we have to keep searching for or justify or validate. Courage holds hands with hope. Courage holds hands with belief and not just belief of what we want to do…be…discover…overcome or heal. Courage holds hands with our belief in ourselves. Without belief in the Self, courage would cease to exist.

Courage is being completely unsure but doing it anyway because the mystery holds answers that we can’t get from anyone at any time because it’s not anyone else’s path, life or dream. Courage doesn’t wait for anyone to give another permission because if anyone is waiting for permission or validation that they’re on the right path…courage ceases to exist. We’re being asked to rediscover our courage. Some have felt that their life has been put on hold because of the very human excuses of health or money…obligations but if you were sat down and asked bluntly, “what is the baby step in the direction of your dreams?” would you be able to allow the courage to step up beside you and hold your hand to take that one baby step that would grow both courage and belief? More times than not, baby steps are the toes dipping in the water before a swim in a lake to start acclimatizing to possibility and possibility becomes a reality when we invite courage in, stop waiting for the “perfect moment” and just jump.

No psychic, medium, reader, coach can ever tell you when you have enough courage to give yourself permission. They can validate your baby step(s) but they cannot validate the whole journey. One baby step opens a world of potential. Two baby steps open a galaxy and three opens up a universe. That’s just an FYI.

Expectation is a cancer to courage. Expectation is a one-way battle towards courage’s defeat. The what-if is nourishment. “What if it doesn’t look like how I wanted it to…but it looks better?” We are not in control of our outcomes. There are too many silver threads connected to too many people, places and situations. Courage is the theme of when one door closes, God opens a window. Courage isn’t defeating the dragons of an outside world but taming them to use to your benefit…riding them and looking from a higher vantage point instead of just what’s immediately in front of you. Someone reading this has that dragon but has decided to drag their heels in riding it, preferring to keep it at arm’s-length because of comfort.

We were born with a solar plexus (soul-ar) where our golden light radiates out. We’re being urged not to dim that light because it is the Source of All that has gifted us Their company for this journey. The Source of All is infinite potential and to tap into that Source power is awakening the courage that was always ours to use. There have been layers of obligation, unworthiness, excuses, instructions, how-to’s and permission granted burying our Source light. But if you haven’t realized it, I’ll let you in on a little secret. It’s resurrecting Itself in your beautiful beings because It wants you to see yourself as Source does…as the hero you came to be and not wait until someone claims that on your behalf to be true.

Courage. Even as we sit and wait for the permission or the validation, it continues to burn in some capacity. It nourishes you at all times but now courage is asking for your nourishment so you can travel hand in hand to the destinies you chose to live before you were birthed here. It’s time.

Receive and Believe,


Kimberly Quezada

~Mom, Wife, Friend, Foe, Writer, Blogger, Intuitive Coach, Hippie, Channel for Spirit, Meditator, Day Dreamer, Music Lover, Star Gazer, Moon Gal~