I’m a walking paradox

Kimberley Chung
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2017

I’m a walking paradox.

I’m a messy contradiction.

I can see beauty in every little thing, yet I am a pessimist if it comes to a lot of things. In a room full of people — young & old — I often think of myself as one of the wisest in terms of common sense, yet I do things which are deflect from common behaviour. I can say I’m a social person, I’m open-minded enough to give everyone their best chance — yet you lose my attention immediately if you aren’t capable to listen & only want to use the conversation to only talk about yourself.

I’m a walking paradox, in conflict with my mind and actions.

I’m always in pursuit of my happiness, yet I often drift off reality and think of things that make me feel bittersweet, nostalgic and just plain sad. I want to be someone who can inspire others & help others by doing so, yet I found myself guilty of thinking that I really don’t care, especially for those who do not deserve it. I have ambitions — big things I want do to change the world, yet I’m too lazy to put on some pants to go outside and do some errands.

I’m a walking paradox, reserved but quietly passionate.

I have come to love myself, bit by bit, yet I end up ALWAYS blaming myself for how I am when I get hurt in situations. I am physically fragile and get emotional real fast, yet you don’t stand a chance hurting me for my mind is a strong warrior.

I want to do things true to my heart, yet I found out I only did some things to prove myself to others.

I wear my heart on my sleeve, yet I am in general skeptical and don’t trust others that easily. I am an old soul in a young body, but you will see me as the first one swinging the swing when we come across one. I get real excited by the sound of my neighbourhood icecream truck, yet it make me already tired of thinking of going to the club and have some drinks.

I’m a rational romantic, understanding the cruel aspects of the world, but refuse to live in it.

I want to settle, but only when I know I can wander off every now and then.



Kimberley Chung
100 Naked Words

Rambling through life. All about self development & positivity.