Getting Counted Means Getting Funded — 2020 Census Update

Kimberly Watkins
2 min readApr 29, 2020

Knowing how many people and where people live is the driving force behind the United States Census! At the start of each new decade, we count ourselves so that government entities can properly function. And this process matters. It is one of the primary ways that governments determine funding distribution, for things like roads, public health, schools, and housing, more than $675 billion!

Which means that the more accurate we are counted, the better the chance we have to receive the funds that we need. New York trails a lot of the USA in getting counted though. Take a look at the map above, where the blue and dark blue “tracts” represent 68% and above responses. Very few neighborhoods in New York City hit those levels, and COVID19 has stalled our response rate even more, at below the 50% level.

That’s one of the reasons why we don’t get as much money as we pay into Washington. State Comptroller DiNapoli reports that New York pays $26.1 billion into the federal government than it gets back (! Think about our schools and our crumbling roads and subways…those federal funds are needed. We shouldn’t rest until we count every single New Yorker!

The online count is here:, and you should have received a notice in the mail with a code for your household. That notice includes a code which makes the process slightly easier, but the Census is safe for EVERYONE to complete. Here’s a document that explains questions for foreign-born members of our city: You can also call to respond: 800–923–8282.

Trust in government remains extremely low. There’s good reason for that. So take this small action, this small civic step, be counted, and help New York make the most of its responsibilities.



Kimberly Watkins

Mom, Running Coach, Community Leader, Explorer of Ideas, People, Places & Ways to Make a Difference, Former: Candidate for Manhattan Boro Prez, CEC3 President