Creating world pieces in Blender

GeoJSON to 3D models with the Blender Python API

Kimberly Siva
9 min readJan 9, 2024

Our puzzle app needs some models to work with. Let’s create them using Python scripting in Blender!

This article is part of a series in which we build a mixed reality app from scratch. See the previous part here.

Before we get started, we need a good data source for our country outlines. I tried a few different options and liked the maps from Natural Earth best. They’re exceptionally clean and provide lots of layers to work with.

I’m going to use the medium-detail maps. Download the Admin 0 — Countries dataset. This data comes in the Shapefile format, a collection of files typically imported by GIS software. It’s a little hard to work with, so let’s transform it into a GeoJSON file using Mapshaper.

The GeoJSON format is pretty simple. Here’s a sample from our newly generated dataset:

{"type":"FeatureCollection", "features": […



Kimberly Siva

Augmented and virtual reality developer since 2008. Master's in computer science from Georgia Tech, experience across industry from Qualcomm to the CDC.