2 min readJun 22, 2016

Dear Bob Vogel,

Today I am going to “ drop a card” I never, ever drop; I’m dying. Yes, each of us are dying daily but I have a degenerative terminal disease; end stage. Ask me specifics and I will tell you, better yet, ask someone from November Project and they will tell you. They will tell you how we have fought together both here and in Boston, they will tell you which day I take chemo or the other experimental drugs, they will tell you how they have held my hand during seizures, lifted me up from a stroke and held my hand as we worked out and crossed finish lines together.

The picture I take every Wednesday morning at the stairs serves both as a proof of life to my husband, friends and family who are not here and stands in defiance and joy that I made another sunrise with friends. See, those just aren’t the steps of past freedoms, they are the steps of my weekly freedom.

I could write books on November Project and community and what having community means, especially as a military wife, instead of that, I started a community outreach called We Finish Together you can read about us in Runner’s World or FB or just ask someone in the DC community, they will help you.

We are community, they are my lifeline as no medical professional ever can be. Please take the time to talk to us, let us show you how we is a lifesaving word. #foundourpark #novemberproject #np_dc #wefinishtogether

Respectfully Yours,

Kimberly Stemple @kimwft