KD Sullivan
3 min readMay 17, 2019

You have newsletters to write, blog posts to create, social media content to schedule and don’t forget your out-of-date website! Oh, and there’s that upcoming fundraiser with a testimony script to compose, and press releases to send. As the director of a non-profit, the writing opportunities never seem to end. I’m a writer, but I’ve also been a non-profit executive director. My experience in both of these fields that have led me to believe that every non-profit needs a professional writer. You might feel that you don’t have the money for this, but I believe that by the end of this article, you will be calling an emergency budget meeting with your board and hiring a professional writer. Here’s why you can’t afford not to hire help.

1). Writing Takes A Lot of Time.

Good, persuasive writing is time-consuming to create, and let’s face it, as a non-profit leader time is always of the essence. Even though I have had a successful freelance writing career, I often put off writing tasks for my non-profit job for matters that seem more urgent. Consequently, I often put out content that is not my best material or not well planned because I’m in a hurry.

When you have a professional writer up your sleeve, you can cast the vision, assign the project and move on with your other million and one tasks.

2). Compelling Writing Will Grow Your Reach.

Professional content writers know how to use words in a way that peak interest for your organization. If more people know about your non-profit, you’ll have more than enough support to realize your mission. The more people know about your non-profit, the more your organization will grow.

Social media, website content, blogs, press releases and newspaper articles are medium that a professional writer can use to give your non-profit a shout out in your community. The intentional and planned words of a professional writer can compel your community to get involved.

3). Hiring A Writer Will Ultimately Make Your Organization Money.

There’s a non-profit “f” word, and anyone who’s been around the industry long enough knows it well…fundraising. Whether you are having a banquet, auction, 5K or something creative and different, having a professional writer can make your event much more efficient and effective.

Perhaps you will be distributing annual reports, writing a testimonial video, or composing email blasts inviting donors to your event. The key to this type of writing is to be persuasive and inspirational, two skills that should not be left up to the novice writer, or someone who has a to-do list as long as your arm! Good writing can be one of your greatest tools in raising funds. It contains your pitch for why a philanthropist should fork over their hard-earned cash and invest it into your cause. Never underestimate the power of a well written testimony along with some impressive facts and figures.

Freelance Vs. Full-Time

Hiring a freelance writer for these tasks is far less expensive than having a full-time communications expert on staff and will free up your time to do the things that only you can do as your organization’s director. Even if you can’t hire a freelance writer for regular work, you can hire one for special projects, or part of your writing responsibilities, like social media. Whatever the case, your organization will be stronger, more effective and ultimately earn more money as a result.