Come On An Adventure With Me. I’ll Bring the Snacks.

Kimberly Lombard
2 min readJan 17, 2016


I made an important decision today: I’m going to write about me and there’s nothing you can do about it.

There. I said it. If you’re starting to think I’m an asshole & you’re ready to stop reading, I understand… but first let me explain. (Or don’t. I don’t really care what you do.)

I love to write but always agonize over what to write. This alone has stopped me from having a blog of my own for roughly the past 3 years. Ridiculous? Probably. Was I planning on stopping? No.

I mean, we’re talking about my writing being on the internet. I couldn’t just write about something stupid and let down the millions of hungry readers awaiting my genius. That is, until my boyfriend said to me for the 100th time “why don’t you just write about yourself?”

Uh… what? How obnoxious do you have to be to write about yourself AND expect people to read it? No thanks. I’ll keep brainstorming for another 25 years.

But the more he pitched it to me, the more I realized that writing about my perspective and adventures is the best way I know to share my little wonders of the world with all of you. & maybe you’ll share your adventures with me. & we’ll all get to experience a few different lives with a few different adventures & maybe, just maybe, our lives will be more full at the end of it.

Or maybe I’ll end up being my only reader aside from my mom. Either way, I think I’ll love every minute of writing this & that’s enough for me.

WARNING: I have no idea what kind of blog this is going to be. A travel blog? A food blog? A music blog? A blog filled with musings & rants & life lessons that I‘ll probably forget to listen to? A random-pictures-of-things-I-like blog? All of the above? So, yeah, proceed at your own risk.

What I can promise is that if you love bars & food & travel & puppies & obnoxious hipster music & looking at life through the eyes of a 5'1" adventurer who can only sometimes see at concerts, you’ll love this blog.

If you’re coming on this adventure with me, I hope you’re as excited as I am. Don’t worry— I’ll bring the snacks.

