A Visit to the National Museum of Fine Arts

Kim Dayanghirang
3 min readNov 21, 2017



During the Spanish Colonial Period, it is evident through the artworks that religion played a big role and became one of the most celebrated themes by artists. Countless pieces depict Roman Catholicism, may it be in paintings or sculptures. Other than various saints as subjects of oil paintings, Jesus Christ, The Holy Trinity, and Mother Mary were portrayed in greater number of the artworks.


Portraiture was introduced to the Philippines in the Spanish Colonial Period. People of social and financial positions often commissioned artists to paint and illustrate them in either real or imagined societal standing. These artworks paved the way for Filipino painters not only to improve their skills and flourish, but also to earn income other than from Church commissioned pieces.

Everyday Scenery

Another concept widely represented by artists in the Spanish Colonial Period is sceneries they see everyday. Repeatedly, they paint their surroundings in realistic detail, and even the variety of people they see on the street. Looking at these artworks, it is as if the viewers themselves can see through the artists’ eyes, memories, and outlook on life.

