Saturday Mornings — Then and Now

A lesson about coffee and productivity.

Kim Funk
4 min readNov 9, 2019
Photo by jonas mohamadi from Pexels

Is there anything more leisurely than the Saturday morning?

Waking up with no agenda. Lounging about the house in your pajamas with a good cup of coffee. Recharging after a long week.

Saturday mornings are the best.


Well, let’s just say Saturdays have changed over the years.

Here’s an hour by hour account of what that change looks like in my world.

Saturday Morning 5:00am

At 26:

After a night of revelry that ended at 2:00am, I’m still sleeping.

At 46:

I move to the other side of my king sized bed to accommodate the dog and my daughter, who has just crawled into bed with me.

Saturday Morning 6:00am

At 26:

Still sleeping.

At 46:

The dog demands that I let her out. I return to bed only to hear my daughter request her iPad as I’m about to doze back off. I fetch her iPad.

Daughter proceeds to watch YouTube videos at full volume on said iPad in bed next to me as I attempt…



Kim Funk

A hockey mom who writes about hockey, writing, and life lessons with a dash of humor. Learn more at