Comparing Trezor and Ledger Crypto Hardware Wallets: Which One Suits Your Needs?

Kimi Tylor
8 min readApr 9, 2023



Overview of Trezor and Ledger wallets

Trezor and Ledger are among the most popular hardware wallets used by cryptocurrency holders. These wallets provide a secure way to store and manage digital assets, protecting them from potential hacks and thefts. Trezor is produced by Satoshi Labs and offers two wallet models: Trezor One (released in 2014) and Trezor T (released in 2018). Ledger, on the other hand, has two product offerings: Ledger Nano S (released in 2016) and Ledger Nano X (released in 2019).

Importance of individual preference in choosing a wallet

There is no one-size-fits-all best wallet, as the ideal choice depends on individual preferences and needs. Factors such as security, app integration, functionality, and supported cryptocurrencies play a significant role in determining the right wallet for each user. For example, Ledger wallets are better suited for traders who regularly swap crypto assets, as they offer Bluetooth connectivity that facilitates mobile trading. In this article, we will compare the features and capabilities of Trezor and Ledger wallets to help you make an informed decision.

II. Appearance and Features

A. Design similarities and differences

Both Trezor and Ledger hardware wallets have a compact and simple USB design, making them easy to carry and use. However, there are some differences in their appearance:

  • Trezor wallets have a unique plastic casing and are generally lighter in weight.
  • Ledger wallets have a more robust metal casing, providing additional durability.

B. Screen size and resolution

The screen size and resolution of the wallets also vary between the two brands:

  • The Trezor T model features a larger screen with a 240 x 240-pixel LCD color touchscreen, making it easier to view and navigate.
  • The Ledger Nano X, on the other hand, has a smaller screen with a 128 x 64-pixel resolution, which is still functional but offers a more compact display.

Operating System Compatibility & Connectivity

Supported Operating Systems

Both Trezor and Ledger hardware wallets are designed to be compatible with a variety of operating systems. Users can connect these wallets to devices running on Windows, macOS, and Linux. However, it is important to note that only the Ledger Nano X offers mobile iOS support, giving it an edge for Apple users.

USB and Bluetooth Connectivity

When it comes to connectivity options, both Trezor and Ledger wallets offer USB connectivity, allowing users to connect their wallets to their computers or other compatible devices. Additionally, mobile app versions of these wallets are available, supporting Android devices.

Ledger wallets, specifically the Ledger Nano X, have an added advantage of being Bluetooth-compatible. This feature enables users to connect their wallets to their mobile devices wirelessly. To ensure the security of users’ information and Bluetooth activity, Ledger wallets use end-to-end encryption. This encryption technology prevents hackers from stealing a user’s private keys even if the user’s Bluetooth port is compromised.

IV. Crypto Exchange Support & App Integration

A. In-built Decentralized Exchanges

Both Trezor and Ledger wallets come with in-built decentralized exchanges for trading. Trezor wallets support crypto exchanges like Changelly, CoinSwitch, and ChangeNOW, while Ledger Live supports FTX, ParaSwap, Wyre, Changelly, and 1inch.

B. Lending Protocol Support

Users can access the Compound lending protocol directly from Ledger Live, unlike Trezor, which offers no support with lending protocols.

C. Mobile and Wire Transactions

Ledger wallets aren’t designed for mobile transactions, but they support wire transactions. Trezor wallets use a Type C USB connector that enables mobile transactions. However, when transacting ERC 20 tokens, Trezor wallets have to rely on a web interface.

D. App Storage Capacity

The Ledger Nano S is designed to store three apps simultaneously, while the Nano X was designed to store up to 100 apps simultaneously.

V. Supported Coins

A. Number of supported cryptocurrencies

Both Trezor and Ledger hardware wallets support a wide range of cryptocurrencies, with at least 1,800 different coins supported by each wallet. This extensive support allows users to store and manage various crypto assets within a single wallet.

B. Differences in supported coins between wallet models

While both Ledger Nano X and Nano S support the same cryptocurrencies, there are slight differences in the coins supported by Trezor Model T and Trezor One. Some of the coins not supported by the Trezor One wallet include Cardano (ADA), Monero (XMR), EOS, Tezos (XTZ), and BNB. These coins are, however, supported by the Trezor Model T, making it a more versatile option for users who hold a diverse range of cryptocurrencies.

VI. Security & Hacks

A. Private key storage

Both Trezor and Ledger hardware wallets prioritize security by ensuring that private keys always remain on the device. This helps protect users’ crypto assets from unauthorized access and potential hacks.

B. Chip base systems

Trezor wallets use a single-chip base system, while Ledger wallets employ a double-chip base. The second chip in Ledger wallets is a bank-grade secure element that provides enhanced resistance to hardware attacks, offering an additional layer of security.

C. Passphrase and backup methods

Both Trezor and Ledger hard wallets support BIP39 (Bitcoin Improvement Proposals) passphrases, which generate random keys to execute transactions securely. However, the Trezor Model T utilizes the Shamir Backup method, which further boosts the security of private keys.

D. Password input methods

Ledger wallets allow users to enter passwords directly on the device. In contrast, Trezor One wallet users must input passwords via a keyboard, which may be less convenient for some users.

E. Hacking incidents and claims

While there have been no reports of successful Ledger wallet hacks, the company’s database was compromised in 2020, resulting in the release of private information belonging to 20,000 new customers. Trezor, on the other hand, faced claims from ethical hacker Joe Grand, who said he hacked a Trezor One wallet to help a client recover $2 million in crypto assets. Trezor responded by stating that the security issue identified by Grand had been resolved in newer models. Additionally, Kraken Security Labs claimed to have successfully hacked Trezor One and Trezor T wallet models. It is important to note that Ledger runs on an open-source blockchain, while Trezor’s firmware is closed-source, meaning it cannot be reviewed or tested for weaknesses by the community.


A. Cold wallet support for NFTs

Both Trezor and Ledger hardware wallets support Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), which are unique digital assets that have gained significant popularity in recent years. Cold wallets, like Trezor and Ledger, provide an added layer of security for storing NFTs compared to hot wallets, which are connected to the internet.

B. Integration with online wallet apps

To hold NFTs natively on Trezor wallets, users need to integrate their cold wallets with online wallet apps (hot wallets) like Metamask. This integration allows users to manage their NFTs securely while still having the convenience of accessing them through a hot wallet when needed.

C. Viewing and receiving NFTs natively

Ledger hardware wallets offer a more seamless experience for NFT holders, as they allow users to view and receive Ethereum and Polygon NFTs natively via the Ledger Live app. This feature simplifies the process of managing NFTs for Ledger users. However, for NFTs from other blockchains, users will still need to connect their Ledger wallet to a third-party wallet provider to view and manage those assets.

VIII. Staking

A. Direct staking support

Trezor hardware wallets do not directly support staking. This means that users cannot stake their tokens directly from the wallet interface. On the other hand, Ledger wallets offer direct staking support for a few tokens, including ETH, SOL, ATOM, and DOT, via the Ledger Live app. This feature allows users to lock up their tokens for transaction validation and network security in exchange for extra tokens without needing to connect to third-party wallets.

B. Connecting to third-party Web 3 wallets for staking

Although Trezor wallets do not support direct staking, users can still participate in staking by connecting their Trezor wallet to third-party Web 3 wallets, such as Metamask. This method enables users to stake their tokens through the third-party wallet while still keeping their assets secure in the Trezor hardware wallet.

For Ledger users who want to stake additional coins not supported by Ledger Live, they can also connect their Ledger wallet to third-party web 3.0 wallets like Metamask. This allows them to stake a wider variety of tokens while maintaining the security benefits of using a hardware wallet.

In summary, both Trezor and Ledger wallets offer staking options, but Ledger provides direct staking support for a limited number of tokens, while Trezor users need to connect to third-party wallets to participate in staking.

IX. Choosing the Right Wallet

A. Factors to consider based on user preferences

When deciding between Trezor and Ledger hardware wallets, it’s essential to consider your specific needs and preferences. Some factors to take into account include:

  1. Budget: Determine how much you’re willing to spend on a hardware wallet. Trezor Model T is a higher-end option, while the Ledger Nano X is more affordable.
  2. Mobile trading: If you frequently trade cryptocurrencies on the go, consider the Ledger Nano X, which offers Bluetooth connectivity for mobile trading.
  3. NFT support: If you plan to hold NFTs directly in your hardware wallet, Ledger wallets provide native support for Ethereum and Polygon NFTs through Ledger Live.
  4. Staking: If you’re interested in staking cryptocurrencies, Ledger wallets offer direct staking support for a few tokens via Ledger Live, while Trezor requires connecting to third-party Web 3 wallets.
  5. Lending protocols: If you want to access lending protocols, Ledger Live supports the Compound lending protocol, while Trezor does not offer direct support.

B. Recommendations for different user needs

Based on the factors mentioned above, here are some recommendations for choosing the right wallet:

  1. Regular traders: The Ledger Nano X is a suitable choice for those who frequently trade cryptocurrencies, as it allows for mobile trading via Bluetooth connectivity.
  2. Quality-conscious users: If you have a larger budget and prefer a wallet with a better user interface, the Trezor Model T offers a large touchscreen display for improved usability.
  3. NFT enthusiasts: Users who want to hold NFTs directly in their hardware wallet should opt for Ledger wallets, as Ledger Live allows for native holding and viewing of Ethereum and Polygon NFTs.
  4. Staking participants: If you’re interested in staking cryptocurrencies, Ledger wallets provide direct staking support for some tokens, while Trezor requires connecting to third-party Web 3 wallets.
  5. Lending protocol users: Ledger wallets support the Compound lending protocol through Ledger Live, making them a better choice for users who want to access lending protocols.

Ultimately, the best wallet for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Consider the factors above and choose a wallet that best aligns with your activities, such as holding, staking, trading, or flipping NFTs.

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Kimi Tylor

Cryptocurrency enthusiast and investor. Always researching the latest trends and developments in the industry. #hodl