How Successful is Heart Bypass Surgery?

Kimmie Rollison
3 min readAug 24, 2016


The number of people with cardiovascular diseases has grown rapidly in India as well as in the world. To overcome these serious heart issues one of the major advancement of medical science is Coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). Many people have undergone this surgical procedure and have successfully fought against the deadly heart disorders such as angina or even heart attack.

How CABG is carried out?

CABG is used to treat heart problem such as chest pain known as angina which is caused by the blockages in the arteries that are responsible for supplying blood to heart muscle. This is an open-heart procedure where general anesthesia is used and in some rare cases the heart is even stopped for performing the surgery. CABG procedure is carried out by grafting or attaching a blood vessel for re-routing the blood around the blockage. The blood vessel for grafting is taken from some other parts of the body.

Today this surgery has given a new life to many people around the world. It has helped to overcome heart attacks or even the symptoms of it. In earlier days, when science and medicine had not made such advancements, CABG surgery was quite risky. But recently the CABG Success Rate has increased tremendously.

CABG Surgery in India

India is a place where there are number of case suffering from cardiovascular diseases. With the rising incidences of heart diseases across the world, India has become a centre for treating these diseases successfully. CABG surgery in India is now common and carried out in most of the best hospitals. India has number of cardio surgeons who have successfully treated a number of heart patients’ not only national but international patients too. The health facilities in India have improved drastically and many new hospitals have cropped up which are equipped with the latest techniques and state-of-the-art equipment. The coronary artery bypass grafting cost in India is relatively low than other countries all over the world with the same facilities.

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Recovery

The recovery depends on various factors. The patient is moved to special ward called cardiac ICU after the surgery for special care and attention. The blood pressure and heart rate is monitored regularly after the surgery. The coronary artery bypass surgery recovery also depends on age and other health conditions some may recover in 2–4 weeks or some may take months to get back to normal. The young age patients usually recover fast than the old aged. Special care needs to be taken after going home after the surgery. Adopting healthy lifestyle, avoid smoking and drinking, keep the cholesterol in control and regular exercise. It is suggested by physicians not to do rigorous exercises or running after the surgery.

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Outcomes

In recent decades the outcomes of CABG procedure are positive and around 95% of the people with cardiovascular diseases who have undergone heart surgery have not experience any serious complication. The CABG success rate has increased and the risk of death after the procedure has come down to only 1 or 2 percent. The benefits of coronary bypass surgery procedure includes improved heart health, diminished symptoms of angina, improved quality of life and more alertness towards health and physical activity post surgery.

