Philosophers Stone. A Poem.

Kim Ross
1 min readDec 20, 2022


There’s an ache inside me,
A longing ever there.
I spend a lifetime seeking
To be here hollow seems unfair.

There’s a spark, a strike, a flow, a feast
There’s gold at the end of the rainbow.
A land of ambrosia, a miracle drink,
A way to satiate the beast.

The key to our minds is ethereal
Not tangible or to be held.
A secret book from a magic scribe
Lost formula from an ancient tribe.

This void in me seems so convinced
That there's a way to be fulfilled
A set of steps, or mighty feat
Or a blessing to be willed

A labyrinth is this world we walk
A maze all twisted up
The magic truly comes in waves
Like mushrooms in a cup

Ride The ripples as they say
Take the good things with the bad.
Perhaps we must just seize the day
Give Thanks for all we've had



Kim Ross

A Poetess. A Mother. A Student of Anthropology. An Artist With A Passion For All Things Interesting!