My location independent life.

Kim Walters
2 min readSep 18, 2016


Once I am completely location independent and running my own business I want to move or spend a few months in Lisbon, Portugal. I visited last summer and knew that I had to go back for an extended period of time, it was love at first sight. If I don’t stay there longer than a few months I would like to hop to other countries a few months at a time to really get to know the area. I would like to stay abroad for atleast six months, possibly a full year before returning back to the states.

In order to keep my business up and running I imagine I will start my day by getting in a workout followed by breakfast. Then I will either go to a coworking space or cafe and work for a few hours. Then I will have lunch and have a long afternoon exploring the city and work later in the evening or go back to work after lunch and quit a few hours later.

The way I want to set up my lifestyle is by working five to six hours per day four to five days per week. I am trying to work harder now to set up a business that doesn’t require as much work down the road. I would like to start a blog about my journey eventually and will hopefully work on this part of the time as well. The one thing I have noticed since starting my own business is that I actually want to work, so I don’t think it will be too difficult to find time in the day to sit down with an espresso in a beautiful city and work.

This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 9

