Positive Speak

Changing the conversation with myself and others.

Kim Yuhl
2 min readFeb 19, 2014

Not long ago I realized that it was hard to be happy and project a positive attitude when some of the phrases that are so common in our daily speak are negative in tone.

I didn’t realize how much negativity was in my own word choice until I made a conscious effort to change. And worse, it was in the language I was using to supposedly motivate myself.

For instance how many times a day do you say “don’t forget …”? As a mother of teenagers, I can tell you I utter that phrase many, many times an hour.

Positive Speak Takes Practice

While you might think of “don’t forget” as perfectly acceptable, if you think about it is actually quite negative. You really realize when you start saying “please remember …” instead.

There are plenty of reasons for speaking positive but the most important is the impact on your mindset and well being. Speaking positively takes practice just like any skill.

Here are some tips on how you can change the conversation you are having with yourself and others:

Word Choice

Word choice matters. It’s hard to project positivity with negative wording. Avoid negative words like can’t, don’t and won’t and use ones like can, do and will.

Search for the Positive

When you are talking with someone that speaks with a negative tone, search for the positive. Find a positive nugget in the conversation that can help change the direction and tone.

Give Up the Need to Be Right

Many times negative speak comes from two people trying to “be right”. Let it go. When you know you can’t change someone’s mind it might be best to smile and move on. By not giving them a reason to argue, the negativity will die a natural death.

People can learn a lot about you from the way you speak and the words you choose. How you speak gives clues about your attitudes, beliefs, feelings and expectations.

So how do you want people to see and hear you? More importantly how are you talking to yourself?



Kim Yuhl

Writer, Teacher, Martini Drinker and World Explorer. Oh and I’m happy. Come visit me at http://kimyuhl.com